plants vegging on a 16-8


Well-Known Member
How bad did this mess up my plants? Dog must have messed with my timer or something buy yeah it was on about a 16-8 and just curious how bad this jacks it up

Madden NFL

Active Member
How bad did this mess up my plants? Dog must have messed with my timer or something buy yeah it was on about a 16-8 and just curious how bad this jacks it up
It's alright.. Mite take a little shock but I highly doubt it just don't let it happen often. I know someone who's been off for a day or 2 and was good. Goodluck :leaf:


Active Member
could u clarify it...were your plants flowering and they ended up on a veg schedule or were you veging at 16/8 instead of your intended say 18/6?


New Member
Don't sweat it man, I really don't think it is gonna be an issue...If the dog does it again, get it a big bag of chocolate morsels that'll fix him! LOL, JK don't kill the doggie!


Well-Known Member
As long as your not in flowering it should be fine, I and many others veg 24/0 and nothing bad happens with them. I would try to not make a habit of it though, some strains don't take much stress to make em turn hermie, although I'm not sure if the can really turn hermie in veg. Worst case scenario is they all end up male.

Jonny K

Active Member
Don't let your dog in your grow room. He might pick up some nasty bugs and drop them on your plants.