Plastic on greenhouse how late in the year can you go in Oregon?


Active Member
If you have plastic on a greenhouse how late in the year can you go without having much heating or humidifier in Southern Oregon? We have the plastic up on the greenhouse for a storm coming in tonight and this week. But it was such a job to get up there we don't really want to keep on taking off because it's a 13 ft high and 50 feet long. We do plan to finish the back end and have temporary tarp on there now but we left the front open that's facing away from the wind and has trees as shelter. There is a lot air getting in there but its keeping the plants and the ground dry. It's also so tall it has about 6ft of ceiling air space and the plants have a nice space between them.

Anyway how late in the fall with a greenhouse with plastic covering could I go in Southern Oregon without heating or using a dehumidifier? I want my buds very ripe and body stone. But I want make sure I don't get mold either. I'm willing to use heaters, dehumidifiers, and fans if I have to. But I don't want to waste money if it's not necessary. Since my plants won't be getting wet and exposed to the rain and I'm in the southern east part of Oregon about 40 miles away from the ocean. I have mostly full Indicas or at least 50/50 Indica/Sativa