Please answer this asap!


New Member
I have had to move my plants because one of them grew too big, now where i have them i cant set the light right above them but can put it to the side of them, does the light have to be directly above them or will this be ok slightly to the side? (They are flowering)


New Member
It'll be fine.

Make sure you rotate the plant every time you water to spread the love light

let it shine let it shine let it shine


Well-Known Member
Go check out the vertical section. You should get a few good ideas from there. It will also answer a lot of your question?


Off to the side will work. I don't think it is ideal, some will not agree . But I had a grow where I put all the lights on the walls. Very bad g/watt. Never tryed that aging. Can you tie the plant down?


Well-Known Member
yes throw the lights on the side. but better, if you can tie the plants down. bend them down so the light can go on top. what I had to do a few times when they decided to stretch 7 feet tall stupid plants, you can bend the stem with out hurting it. as long as it don't snap.


Well-Known Member
Ive had a cpl grows where I ended up having to supercrop. I've done it as late as 4 wks into flower no problem.