Please check new batch curing*


Well-Known Member
So I have hd a auto running for a little while and this is how it turned out... Need to cure for awhile yes with packs understood but here's some of the pics.. not really good dense nugs.. did end up with about 30g total. More then what I thought it would.

The buds just very very very fluffy... Would be super duper hard to break up without a grinder... Anyone think I should have a good smoke? Anyway greetings pics added. Let me know what u think.



Well-Known Member
It's far away from being mature and finished. Don't expect much but you'll probably get some effect out of it.


Well-Known Member
Also boveda's aren't really going to help you cure the bud.

If rh went too low all the boveda's will do is maybe make the plants a little more moist but won't do anything as far as curing is concerned.

boveda's if used are best for long term storage not to try to bring rh to curing rh


Well-Known Member
early chop imo. Reverse psychology was given to me like this: take a plant, as a test, and see if you can harvest it late. Wayyyy late and remember, it’s just a test. And take notes the whole way cause that’s the only way I ever knew what “done” was..and it’s still a challenge someyears lol. but now I know what done looks like at least


Well-Known Member
Super duper fluffy probably means your light sucks. Add more watts. It does look pretty frosty, but theres not much there.

How many weeks did you grow it?


Well-Known Member
Super duper fluffy probably means your light sucks. Add more watts. It does look pretty frosty, but theres not much there.

How many weeks did you grow it?
Man I can't even tell you exactly I got to go back and look on my pictures but I'm telling you it tastes like pine and it was nowhere near ready the green leaves were all still over it and none of them were starting to turn yellow barely any fertilizer it grew for a good little bit and it got nice and pretty and snank but it hang for a few days and the branches didn't snap you know I don't think it dried properly and then she just started smoking the b**** right as it went in the jar the next day so... Waste my time lol