
All right you guys i might need some help (noobie) i have a 4 by 4 feet and 6.5 tall tent (amazon ) with 4 babies growing under my 400 watt hps until my mh bulb comes in today or tomorrow. all these babies are clones and not yet rooted and our about 6inches with 2-3 sets of fan leaves. the disel i started from seed and is rooted all the way down (nice) and hasnt even started its 2 set of leaves!!! i have an oscilating fan to spread air then i have a 190 cfm lower and on the top i have a 400 cfm inline fan for extraction. I'm using 5 gallon dwc buckets when they get older but for now they're in a 5gallon tote. my first day i did a newie mistake and added way tooo much ferilizer and got N burn im flushing with royal flush and my ppm is at 320 with a ph of 6.1. PLease follow and help me on my grow this is my first time and want to do right.
how long do i flush for???



okay also im using fox farm nutrients (trio) and also bud candy. i have royal flush. the way my tent is set up is i have it on from 5pm to 12pm and the temp stays around 79. i have a 6inch 400 cfm inline fan as an extractor that also is connected to a 4inch charcoal filter. on the bottom i have a 4inch 190 cfm fan for intake and an oscilating fan in the corner to blow all the cold air onto the plants. i still need to buy the clip on fans for more air movement. at night my tent runs at 72 degrees which is nice to me. My god bud was heavily hit by N burn on it;s lower leaves however they are looking good after i used the royal flush. i did not use a measuring cup (i know) and freely put the nutes in. my ppm was at 790 which was ad since these plants are about 1 week after being rooted in their plug but not even rooted in the net pot. I used distilled water the ppm was at .01 but when i added the flush foam/bubbles risen and overflooded my tent...... I had to use water thats been recirculating in my 5gallon bucket for 2 weeks the ppm was at 220. i added the flush and now the ppm is at 340. the plants looked better the next day but im going to wait a couple more days then either flush or change res and slowly introduce a fraction of nutes. should i cut off the infected Nitrogen burned leaves or just allow them to naturally fall off? im a newbie and dont know anything past the growers bible and forums/blogs.


can someone please help me my babies are dying not even a week in my first grow PLEASE HELP YOU ALL WERE ONCE A NEWBIE JUST LIKE ME. the top leaves are turning kinda yellow the middle leaves are wither wilting curling at the edges and having brown spots the bottom is the same except the leaves are dying. I am using royal flush to flush it out. I refilled my 5 gallon tote with some tap water i had laying around with a ppm around 300 and added in the flush and the ph up and ists around 350 ppm. is this right and how long do i leave it like this its been 2 days. if not how do i flush correctly all plants are a week or so old after rooted in plug and is roughly 6inches plus all clones too. the last one is about 6 inches with roots poking through the rockwool and dipping in the res unlike the others and suprisingly hasn't even grown its 3rd row of fan leaves( amazing ) i started this one from seed and it was stretching do to a poor light ut now its thriving better than the others hopefully not a male. the rest of the plants again were clones and have been in the res for about a week.... PLEASE HELP A NOOBIE


i've been flushing with royal flush for 2 days the other plants started to show signs of nutrient urn ut i think its because i had the water barley touching the ottom of the net pot instead of having the water more in the net pot ecause since they are brand new clones they havent rooted down into the res through the hydroton clay. so i raised the water and im going to leave it alone for a couple days and if my plants get worse im going to use distilled water which the one i use would e .01 ppm and just add more flush and see what happens??? PLEASE GIVE ME SOME ADVICE.
@ Jesus Of Cannabis thank you!!! i just did that right now... and i was going to cut them off lol


up date plants are legit they;re recovering well and i hope to add nutes maybe in a week. Thank god for the workers at my local hydro store they helped me out alot. my ph is at 6.1 and my ppm is at 55 right now with the temp at 78. Damn the only plant that i started from seed has its roots dangling so should i switch it to the 5 gallon bucket???? she/he is only about 6 inches and looks like this. also all my plants that were suffering from Nitrogen burn are healing pretty good instead of just crimpling and dying they all kinda reverted and just went bright yellow like this. Im going to post my journal even if nobody gives advice because this is what i want to do and i hope people can learn from my mistake DON'T OVER FERTILIZE lol


Well-Known Member
2 weeks old?? I am still usually just using tap water... maybe a 1/4 strength nutes... 250 PPM maybe up to 300-350. I never go over 650 during veg slow & steady


thanks weedler my system is still flushing ( im using royal flush ) and my ppm is at 61 right now with a ph of 6.0 im waiting to get a ph pen instead of using these silly test tub it sucks. when flushing do you think its okay to for my ppm to be at 61 and i only used 5ml for about 3-3.5 gallons of distilled water in my res


Well-Known Member
thanks weedler my system is still flushing ( im using royal flush ) and my ppm is at 61 right now with a ph of 6.0 im waiting to get a ph pen instead of using these silly test tub it sucks. when flushing do you think its okay to for my ppm to be at 61 and i only used 5ml for about 3-3.5 gallons of distilled water in my res
If you are flushing that PH should be okay I mean its not like your plant will hurt itself by "locking out" the absorbtion of nutrients with a high PH all you are doing is flushing. Any body agree or disagree?


Well-Known Member
When I was flushing I would use tap water = 250 PPM I did not have my R/O system yet. I would only flush overnight or for a few hours even. Absorption of nutrients is maximized at a PH of 5.8 when flushing maintaining a PH around 5.5-6.2 is optimal just like during the grow. You are just clearing out the plant of the buildup of nutrients then placing the roots back into a diluted solution. It took me 1 month of veg to reach full strength much better to go slow.


hey you guys thanks for the support :P
so hey ive been flushing for about 4 days and all the plant leaves have been getting better they turned almost bright yellow im just wondering when should i change my res and add 1/4th of the nutes i was using ???
my only baby that i started from seed is thriving she/has a great root system coming out the bottom.
Also my 400w mh light came in THANK GOD i felt so bad for putting my babies under the hps so early


update... just got off work and checked my babies... THEY LOVE THE MH walot everyone is rooting through the bottom of the net pot except for the god bud... sadly to say they're not really getting better still turning yellow so im thinking is it because i flushed for almost a week??? they say (ppl) to flush until they look better which they did but i just wanted to be safe so are they just dying because of no food???? Please help i dont know if i should change my res and add nutes or wait more..



Active Member
Pics would be good at this point. When you see the roots looking bigger and branching out, you can add your 1/4 nutes. I would probably add a little less than a quarter for the first few days just to be safe and give any babies that havent finished flushing a better chance of survival. Don't worry about the yellowing, that's a good indicator that they are looking for food and the roots will start to go crazy. try and get some close pics of the roots and leaves.


@ chilledreaper, man you are right thats why when i came home the roots were all out so that i means i can add nutes SWEET i thought my babies were dying after that much stress. I will post some pictures later today when im off work. THANKS A BUNCH MAN :P
