Please help and thank you :D

Hello all.

I am kind of new to growing. This is the second season for me.

Last year when I transplanted my seedlings to pots, they were fine and grew to be wonderful plants.

This time when I have transferred seedlings to pots - exactly one week ago - the middle of the seedlings on some of them are turning yellow :( :(

I have attached a picture for you to see.

If anyone can tell me how to make them better, please tell me.

Thank you for reading my post.

Love to all.

Mary xx



Well-Known Member
no one can just make them better we need to find out whats wrong though u growing outdoors this late? whatis you ph?


Well-Known Member
To start with Mary they are gonski, dead. Now the main problem is bad transplant shock and no hardening off, they are too small for summer temps bro , next time raise inside for a few weeks if weather is hot. When plants grow naturally the seedlings sprout in the damp/cool of spring then are est by the time the intense sun hits them.


Well-Known Member
I agree you cooked them, but don't give up on 'em yet.
Put them in a window that gets indirect sun if you want to eventually put them outside, assuming they live, but this late in the season, you should plan on an indoor grow.
What about the veg stage? you're just going to skip it and put them into flower? If you do, and any of those end up being females, you won't get much of a yield from them.


Well-Known Member
I agree you cooked them, those little leaves just aren't ready for full sun out in low humidity especially, but don't give up on 'em yet.
Put them in a window that gets indirect sun if you want to eventually put them outside, assuming they live, but this late in the season, you should plan on an indoor grow.
What about the veg stage? you're just going to skip it and put them into flower? If you do, and any of those end up being females, you won't get much of a yield from them.
Thank you all so much with your replies.

I had a feeling it might be transplant shock and last year I did have them in the laundry for longer and it was, of course much more humid in there.

Think I might try and put the stronger ones in there and plant a few more to replace the 'deader' ones
