Please Help, anyone seen this before?


Active Member
looks like powdery mildew. which is a good chance thats what it is. it also looks like someone went picasso on your plants with some whiteout


Well-Known Member
Ya dude one of your stoned friends got all happy with the white out. Nature won't do that. It looks thick like paint. Ask yourself who you you have shown..........stoned gealous friens could do some stoopid shit just to mess around with you. Other than the paint, the leaves look nice and healthy lol!


Well-Known Member
kinda looks like eggs bc it all seems to seperate little round balls, kinda like styrofoam


That is man made. I think the fellow above me got it "that's white out". So who's the asshole fucking with your plants? If it was one of my crew, he'd be held down and white out would be poured all over his face.


Well-Known Member
looks man made to me. thats not natural by any means, not that i have ever seen anyways.
That is man made. I think the fellow above me got it "that's white out". So who's the asshole fucking with your plants? If it was one of my crew, he'd be held down and white out would be poured all over his face.
Lol right?! "This ass whole whited out my chronic! Say hello to my lil friend!!"


Well-Known Member

these are catepillar eggs and this does not look anything like your pics to me.
almost forgot to mention the eggs are on the bottom of the leaves as his white (out/paint/polish/etc.) is on top! And the veins from the leaves are showing through on the piece that was peeled off like the stuff was once liquid and wiped on there!


i will post pics, we actually saw little caterpillars come out of the eggs I pulled off the other day, might be a different species or something.


Active Member
You would see catepillars in your grow and have lot's of other damage from them eating the leaves. Looks man made *cough troll *cough

Curious why you think anyone would come on here an post a pic of "whiteout" on a leaf just for "troll" shits and giggles? Come on, have some faith in people. Help a fellow grower out.

While his pic isn't nearly as good as yours (very different camera lenses, I'm sure), you can definitely see a finger-print like pattern on his photo, if yours were blurry, it would look similar. Given that his camera lens is obviously not as good as the one used in your pic, it is easy to recognize that his pic is most definitely not whiteout. Why would anyone lie about whiteout vs caterpillars?

Not everyone is looking to get over on somebody else. Don't be such a pessimist. Would you like some of my wine, you'll notice my glass is half full :)