please help bho turning to honeycomb not shatter


I've been open blasting since 2002 ,so I think I have the basic down
I'm using a Bhogart 2lb closed loop ,great material,its Marley og thats 10days old been stored in refrigerator min. Water leaf lots of little buds my problem is it turns to honey comb not shatter,I purge at about 27hg at 92f,95f,98f,100f,105f,110f and 120f and no matter what ,no shatter,I've open blasted this material and got shatter and I've also used material from same strain but it was a month old and not stored the best and i get shatter,I'm using whip it butane and have used power 5 ,I've put it directly in oven from catch chamber and I've let it sit out over night then put it in the oven and same results,I've got patients waiting for these meds any helpful input would be great also if your in CA and can help me sort this ill have no problem donating a nice amout of meds to you


Well-Known Member
explain how you winterize your concentrate ? perhaps we can help you on that end. and what method do you use to empty the collection vessel?


explain how you winterize your concentrate ? perhaps we can help you on that end. and what method do you use to empty the collection vessel?
151 everclear 10ml per gram of bho freeze it for 48 hours then filter it thru one coffee filter onto parchment paper put a fan blowing over it until liquid is gone vac purge at 95 ,,,,, I scrape up bho with paint scraper out of collection onto parchment str8. Into vac oven


any suggestions would much appreciated
151 everclear 10ml per gram of bho freeze it for 48 hours then filter it thru one coffee filter onto parchment paper put a fan blowing over it until liquid is gone vac purge at 95 ,,,,, I scrape up bho with paint scraper out of collection onto parchment str8. Into vac oven


I'm not sure if this indicates anything to anyone but I have about 3 oz of the stuff that turned to honeycomb it was all in grams so I took a gram put it in a bigger piece of parchment and smashed it in a hair straightner. First at 400f then down to 300 and I smashed it until I heard/felt it sizzle and poof some how I'm left with clear shiny shatter after I gather it up ,at room temp it definitely "shatters/snaps" my problem is I need to figure out why its not coming out of the oven shiny shatter,I'm very surprised how much doing that changed its form,any ideas anyone?