Please Help - buds are turning gunky brown in places

Dan Nabis

Well-Known Member
I am sorry but I don't have a picture but I need some input anyways.

I've grown several seasons and have never seen this before.

I have 5 females in a small clearing in the woods. We had the remnants of Gustav come through and then Ike followed. Its been a very wet time lately and even our dews are really heavy right now.

I haven't been to my plants for 1 1/2 weeks and when I went to check on them today, a couple were showing some brown death chunks in their buds. I don't know if its mold, caterpillar/worm problems or rot. I don't know if bud rot and mold are the same thing either. I've never had this before but its destroyed the buds its on and I don't know how fast it will spread or if its smokable. I didn't see any worms on inspecting the outside or the cracks of these buds I snipped but I didn't totally take the buds apart to look in the stems or deep inside either.

I cut away some of this stuff where it looked the worst and even had to whack a couple immature colas. The plant that has it bad may have about two more weeks until its done. I have others that are going to need more time as they are maturing slower.

I am really scared now after what a great year I was having. I had two small patches along a stream and am sure they are dead from the massive flooding we just had. I have one in this patch that got all weird sick and died, like it burned up but I am positive it wasn't a nute burn and now with what little I have left I am seeing this nasty bud shit.

it looks like the brown in this poster's photo

but I don't see any of that clear whitish stuff on my bud.

I also just now tore into a couple of the buds and I can't find any worm things.

Please help or comment if you have any experience. I would really appreciate it. :weed:


Well-Known Member
It sure sounds like bud rot. Its been a terrible season for outdoor growing. I just had to take 6 plants way early due to bud rot.
No its not smokeable the mold spores cause lung problems. bronchitus, pneumonia ect.
It spreads quickly through the rest of your plant. Serenade spray does help. But if its that advanced I suggest taking the plants now before it spreads through all the buds.


Well-Known Member
yeah get rid of the brown spots that stuff spreads fast...and yes this year sucks for outdoor already saw some 100 a bag mold dope up here people need to learn to throw that shit away instead of trying to sell it to people but I guess as long as some people buy it they'll sell it.....:(

Dan Nabis

Well-Known Member
Thanks alot for the responses,

I looked over the stuff again this morning that I snipped off and it looks like rotting bud. It doesn't look like any mold I've seen before but if rot is mold I won't be messing around with it. I dumped it all outside and I guess I will be going back today to paul bunyon on my beautiful girl.

There are more places on it that I didn't get I am sure and there were also a couple spots on the nearest plant to it that's about 5 yards away but I didn't see any on my other 2 in that general vicinity. It really pains me because I worked so hard in a difficult spot to do it in and got this far yet they just don't have the full maturity and weight. The real positive though is that I had picked a couple sample lower level buds last time I was at them and tried a bong hit of it for the first time last night and geez I got too high. So its supreme smoke as far as potency.

I will go check it again today and at the very least whack any whole branches that show any sign somewhere or I will just take the whole thing.


Well-Known Member
Bud rot does not look like mold. Its brown and when it gets advanced its just wet and mushy.. Bud rot has spores which will spread to nearby buds. Sounds like its time to take your plants down. Chop!

Dan Nabis

Well-Known Member
So I went back today. This time I was armed with Neem oil as it says it is also a fungicide. I gave all my plants and tops a good soaking. If this is bad for the bud then I guess its too late. I didn't want to pick the ones that had no rot yet because they were too immature.

The one that had the biggest problem, I ended up whacking the duel colas and any branch that had a bud with it on it. I trimmed away fan leaves that were around any buds I left to help get it a better air circulation. I also dosed what was left of this one with neem oil. I have a good week of dry weather ahead it looks like so I am going to cross my fingers. If worse comes to worse and I lose these few girls I at least have one single beauty far away from all of these that is perfectly healthy so I'll get smoke out of my summer at the very least.

This rot is kind of brown and gunky but not actually wet. I can't tell if the gunky is the gunky resin that's all over the bud. This bud is so damned sticky I could repair wooden furniture with it. The rot also doesn't smell bad at all like some posts I've read when I was trying to find information about it. If it does smell, the gnarly bud smell is over powering it big time to where you can't smell the rot.

I can go back in 3 days. I will see how the 4 ladies are doing up there and if things got worse or spread to the others despite the neem oil, I might just take them all down.

This has been the wettest spring and summer in the 25 years I've lived in the part of the country. Its just been incredible.:weed:

johnny on the pot

Active Member
i just noticed this shit yesterday myself, its like buds turning brown and fuzzy, when i went to touch them they just like ... melted into nothingness.... it was rather disturbing..

anyway would hydrogen peroxide help at all?


Active Member
I've had the same problem lately, I have been trimming all the rot off and hoping for the best. One thing I do, is clean off my punners with alcohol so I don't cross contaminate. I got hit hard this week with the wind too. Had a few broken branches so had a chance to sample, it's sweet. Just hope I can let whats left go a few more weeks.


Active Member
Help, some of my bud stems have worms in them with a whitish powdery substance. I have been trimming away those buds and I have what I think is mold. Should I harvest before it spreads too far?


I have the same problem but im doing it in a indoor enviroment
about 6 weeks in to bud one of the side buds started to turn brown and flat as if it was sqaushed so i cut it off and didnt think nothing off it about 3 days later i seen another 2 go brown so in the end ive harvested early
i just want to know what caused it to go like that so i can make sure it doesnt happen again
please reply thank you