Please help! CLONES

anyone ever try to clone a plant during flowering stage? or know where to get any info on it ... please any info or experience would be very helpful.:confused:


Active Member
I've cloned female plants during flowering very successfully.
1. I first cut the stem (anywhere on the plant, but best to choose a stem with the least amount of flowering)
2. Gently scrape off the outermost green skin off of the stem (about a one inch section) exposing the tender underneath.
3. I then dipped the exposed end into Clonex solution, and then again into Schultz's Take Root powder.
4. Placed the end of the cutting gently into a moistened grow plug, being careful not to scrape off any of the solution/powder mix.
5. Placed the grow plug into a shot glass (fits perfectly!) and half fill the shot glass with water. I also sprinkled in a little Take Root in the water for good measure. The roots EXPLODE in just a few days. What I also do is spray all of the leaves (I never trimmed them down or off) with foliar spray, and then cover the cutting with a plastic sandwich bag as a humidity dome to keep the moisture in. Spray the leaves every day, and even once in the bag for luck.