Please help. Colour change in leaves


Hi guys and gals

I run cocco, vermiculite, perlite soil mix.
Bio - bizz nutrient range, hand watering.
Drip to wastegrow, under chm 630.

I've found out my grow partner has forgot to Ph balance to 5.8ph for 'n wile now. Thinking this might be why I'm seeing the shock.

Also give flush days with calmag every second watering.

Please have a look and help

They look locked out due to overfeeding
It sounds like you feed every water?

I run a flush day at 5.8ph water.
Nutrient day at 5.8ph
And dry day

Then I repeat.
Obviously depending on how much the plants need it. In beginning 2 days after every step and later every day
Read the instructions on the back of the bag next time the you may understand what benefit it has .
Do you check your inflow EC ?
Well, shit, if it is organic, then it is a soil.... I was confused, thought it was just vermiculite, perlite, coco.

Bad idea to add coco because it leaches Cal&Mag.
Looks like they are pretty much soaking in their own shits all together... how you deal with that runoff?
Just throwing this out there , but those pics scream magnesium deficiency all over them. Google some images . Thats what i see here