please help final week of flowers spider mite??? what should i do?


Active Member
hey final week before harvest have discoved white cobweb crap running through half by buddage check the pics please!

can someone confirm if this is spider mites couldnt see any bugs just the webs???

was planning on harvesting the coming midweek should i harvest early? do i cut out the affected buds?

can someone please give me some advice is my first grow...



Well-Known Member
if theres web then its mites, u can dip the buds in water, or buy natural predators, i would spray them at lights off, or even fill ur bath up and dip those babies in it wont hurt the bud but will disrupt the mites, i would even spray with mite killer, then spray with a shower, then rerpeat once, and spray at night, your best bet is to get some lady bugs or the other things cnat remember there name its greek-ish :D goood luck


Active Member
if theres web then its mites, u can dip the buds in water, or buy natural predators, i would spray them at lights off, or even fill ur bath up and dip those babies in it wont hurt the bud but will disrupt the mites, i would even spray with mite killer, then spray with a shower, then rerpeat once, and spray at night, your best bet is to get some lady bugs or the other things cnat remember there name its greek-ish :D goood luck
shops are shut tmro will not be able to get the stuff u suggested...
a solid half of my buds are affected... was planning on harvesting in a few days, my other lady seem unaffected shud i just pull this one to avoid problems with the other one???


Well-Known Member
Foliar spraying half Rubbing alcohol to half water is suppost to kill spider mites. Im using this method and it seems to make them managable.


Its not the end of the world. They are not going to wipe out the crop.

Spraying them with something at lights out- alcohol solution, cold water or even a mite spray will help. If you are not in a massive rush to dry them I would water dip them before you hang them to dry. Assuming you are not in a super humid place subject to mold issues this will help them from overtaking your drying room. As the plant dies (from being cut) they will scramble and look onward for new plant life so ensure the drying plants are far away from others.

Don't stress. Just catch them earliler next time.

Another good tip is to release preditor mites about three weeks before flowering finishes. THis will ensure you get them all and have the best buds possible.

Good luck.


Active Member
hey final week before harvest have discoved white cobweb crap running through half by buddage check the pics please!

can someone confirm if this is spider mites couldnt see any bugs just the webs???

was planning on harvesting the coming midweek should i harvest early? do i cut out the affected buds?

can someone please give me some advice is my first grow...

That doesn't look like spider mite webs to me. Looks more like moldy buds.:o

Get a jeweler's loupe or anything with at least 30X magnification...check the undersides of the leaves. If you don't see any mites or eggs, then pluck a bud that is affected and break it open. Post a picture of what the inside of the bud looks like, then we can confirm.


Well-Known Member
Man you wanna thank your lucky stars that the spidermites have only just been noticed with 1 week to go.Put the plants on the flush part of the grow and if the crop is for sale or just you then pull of any excess webbing.I would rather smoke a few mites than add anything that will try to kill them whitch by the way is impossible.Once the grow has doneput the weed to dry in a old shoe box but put a bought plant in there like corriander anything that is small.The mites will sometimes then transfer to the live plant after a week this can be disscarded.But i would blitze the growroom with neat bleach walls floor ceiling the lot.Any clones that you have check them because they may be infested too but in some cases there not so isolate them from the area where the spidermites are.Give it at least 2 week before you use the same grow room that had spidermites.Good luck there is nothing i can say i have just gone through the same but stoped growing for a couple of week during the cleaning period i got hold of some seeds and started from seed again.sorry dude.


Active Member
Do you other folks REALLY think that's spider mite webs??? He said he didn't see any bugs...I don't see any sign of them either (from the pics) ... He really needs to check for mold before he goes and chops his plant down. Take another look at those pics!


Well-Known Member
Stonefish is the only one that pointed out it's _not_ spider mite damage, which it's not. It's mold.

You have what's called bud rot, it's even worse than spider mites and worse yet if you try to treat it like spider mites and spray some crap on it you will only make the problem worse.

None of that is safe to smoke and there's almost nothing you can do to save the moldy parts without them making the rest of the stuff mold even quicker in storage too. Water curing will not help, that's for sure.

The only way I can think of to save what's left and not kill yourself or make yourself sick trying to smoke it is to make some ice/water hash from it all. If you don't have screens for hash making look up gumby hash on youtube.

Sorry I had to be the voice of bad news and that is was even worse than expected... Better luck next time. You have almost no time to put off trying to turn that into hash the mold will very quickly take over every piece that's not already affected and you'll have a stash of deadly brown mush.


Active Member
Stonefish is the only one that pointed out it's _not_ spider mite damage, which it's not. It's mold.

You have what's called bud rot, it's even worse than spider mites and worse yet if you try to treat it like spider mites and spray some crap on it you will only make the problem worse.

None of that is safe to smoke and there's almost nothing you can do to save the moldy parts without them making the rest of the stuff mold even quicker in storage too. Water curing will not help, that's for sure.

The only way I can think of to save what's left and not kill yourself or make yourself sick trying to smoke it is to make some ice/water hash from it all. If you don't have screens for hash making look up gumby hash on youtube.

Sorry I had to be the voice of bad news and that is was even worse than expected... Better luck next time. You have almost no time to put off trying to turn that into hash the mold will very quickly take over every piece that's not already affected and you'll have a stash of deadly brown mush.
thanks for your help..

the shit is now appearing as if its everywhere

so do i cut out the moldy parts & discard em or can i use them to make hash as well??

i had another plant in the grow room is there much likelyhood it will be affected also? i have gone over it and have been unable to see any of the same stuff on it..

what should i wash my grow room with? bleach solution?
this might sound funny but it works!

personally you should never spray your buds with something you wouldn't want to smoke (ex: any chems or pesticides). and i would not soak your webbed up buds in H20 unless you want bud mold. when i had mites on my buds, i vacuumed the shit out of ours buds when we harvested. the trick is to make sure you don't suck the buds down the vacuum hose. we bought a small vacuum that we where able to change out the filter and made an attachment out of a 1/2 inch hose. the 1/2inch hose allowed us to vacuumed the buds and not destroy them. really all you have to vacuum is the webs because that's what will give you bud mold. also when drying the buds leave extra long stems on the buds to hang them from. the mites will travel up the upside-down stems looking for food. this is also where and when you need to vacuum them. we hung string from wall to wall then hung the buds with the long stems on the strings. all the mites traveled upward and made webs on the ends of the stems. we then vacuumed those little dirty bastards. when the buds where dry enough we used an air brush to blow out the buds covered in webs. out of the 6lbs we yielded that harvest, nothing was lost. when all said and done you need to bomb your house and your room. clean EVERYTHING. get mid-evil on cleaning. don't half ass the cleaning and do a three day bombing cycle or your little prblem will re-turn. :fire:
you have bud mold. cut it out be it gets worst. and pray it doent spread. if you had mites your lower leaves will start having spots on them and underneath you will see the eggs and mite crawling around and waving at you.
your lucky because its hard and cost a lot to get rid of mites
use more fans to keep the air moving and raise the temp in your room. although raising the temp sucks because it makes lanky stems and buds with less crystals.


Active Member
ahhhhhhhhhhh gutted both are stuffed...

thanks for your help...

i have tried to salvage a few buds that appear ok, will these turn out to be moldy too or is it possible that they will turn out ok???

how do i prevent this occuring again?! more air movement in the grow room? higher temps?
is there anything that i should wash my grow room in?


Well-Known Member
I think some people process the whole rotten plants ice/water hash method and it seems to do ok for them. Personally I don't know if risking my health at all is worth it. Any bud left will just rot and spread more rot so even a couple good nugs should be quck dried and used up or made into hash.

Bleach, pine-sol, take your pic of disenfectants just don't mix them. Everything needs to be sterilized, media tossed, leaves, buds, spores are microscopic. Use a suplher burner, get the humidity lowered, use air conditioner(s), you need to stop it before it has a chance to start again don't give it a chance of living make the environment completely inhospitable for mold again.

Once it starts, just one spot again, you're doomed, again, and again, and again.
Spores are everywhere you'll never be able to get to them all but do what you can.


Well-Known Member
i cant really see anything at all in the pics, but im permantly stoned badly so, not sure thats why i said if there IS webbing its mite, etc etc, but i cant tell from the pics


Active Member
Stonefish is the only one that pointed out it's _not_ spider mite damage, which it's not. It's mold.

You have what's called bud rot, it's even worse than spider mites and worse yet if you try to treat it like spider mites and spray some crap on it you will only make the problem worse.

None of that is safe to smoke and there's almost nothing you can do to save the moldy parts without them making the rest of the stuff mold even quicker in storage too. Water curing will not help, that's for sure.

The only way I can think of to save what's left and not kill yourself or make yourself sick trying to smoke it is to make some ice/water hash from it all. If you don't have screens for hash making look up gumby hash on youtube.

Sorry I had to be the voice of bad news and that is was even worse than expected... Better luck next time. You have almost no time to put off trying to turn that into hash the mold will very quickly take over every piece that's not already affected and you'll have a stash of deadly brown mush.
Thanks Oregon Meds!
I just KNEW that wasn't spider mite webs, and everyone was telling this poor guy to douse his plants with mite treatments, which would've made things worse. 'Preciate you verifying. :clap:


Well-Known Member
spray the plants, drench them, use a shower use whetva you can
make it as cool as possible in there, as dry as possible.
get cotten buds dip them into a bud killer and dab the hot spots, not the buds just the leavse