PLEASE HELP!! I don't know what to do


Hi everyone, this is my first grow and I don't have a clue what to do. I'll explain what I have done so far. I germinated 3 seeds using the paper towel method and the next day only 1 germinated I put it into soil in a heated 8watt propagator I bought from the shop, today it is day 3 that it has been in there and the heat stays on day and night and I water it when the soil looks dry, but nothing has happened. The other 2 seeds germinated the following day after the first one having used a different technique so I added them to the soil in the propagator as well, today it is their second day in there.

I just wanna ask the following questions:

1. Does it take this long for the seedlings to come up from the soil? I can't see no baby leaves. :cry:

2.While the seeds are still under the soil do they need darkness or light?

3. Should I be leaving the heated propagator on day and night or not? The heat isn't too much it just gently warms the soil.

One other stupid problem I have is that the soil I bought I wasn't sure if it was right, I phoned up Levington the company its made by and she told me that even though it says there is NPK in the soil no values are shown because the soil is not a fertiliser, so the soil doesn't have any ratio of NPK shown on the pack it just says it has those nutrients in the soil, also she said the pH of the soil is in between 5.5 - 6.5, is that good or bad?

I am worried and really hurt that my babies might be dead, is it possible that they might not even emerge from the soil or should I just continue to wait?

I am Sooooooo upset :-( that I'm even loosing sleep over this, I couldn't wait for my babies to show their first leaves.

Any help, advice and good tips would me much appreciated. Thank You.


Well-Known Member
1. seeds can take awhile sometimes..ive had them take over a week before.
2. no light just heat..once they break the surface they need the light.(think of it this they really see light when there in teh dirt)
3.heat encourages root growth leave it on even after they have sprout for the first couple weeks is what i usually do..
i dont really understand what your saying about the soil..its a soil like mirical grow? where it has nutes in it? ph is fine..


Thanks for your reply, the soil is not like miracle gro it is called Levington Multi Purpose Compost with added John Innes, it says on the pack it has nutrients NPK but with no values, so I think that maybe it doesn't have enough, do I need to add fertilser at this stage? What would be the best soil to use and a good fertiliser if needed, I am in the UK.


Well-Known Member
ok well i did a lil research on the soil..has some good review but from what i read it more of something you add to your existing soil..but its good for seeds and new growth..if at all possible i would start your seedlings out in it and then try to find some new soil else where and use up the rest and mix it in or something..if you choose to your this soil by it self the whole time..i would assume to start using nutes prolly within the first month..about week three..


Well-Known Member
you should keep the light on the baby plants even tho it dosnt reach the seedlings the plants still sense the light thats y they dont grow upside down just keep the light water and heat all the same and you should have so plants in a few days I have had plants come up in as short as a day and as long as 10 days depends on how long you germinate for and other factors, just b patient.


Thank You so much for your help so far, so you think my babies are going to be ok then, I don't need to panic or anything?
What do you use for your grow? Also when I get to the stage where they break the surface and they need light do I use daylight or bulbs? I intend on making a box measuring 4ft high, 3ft long and 2ft wide is this too big for 2 -3 plants for personal use, and I will be using CFLs. Which colour temp, lumens watts etc would you advice for vegetative growth and flowering? How many bulbs would I need? Sorry I sound so stupid but I really am just going with the flow, this is all a BIG learning experience for me, its exciting but nerve wrecking at the same time.


Well-Known Member
I use a blend of soil and natural organic stimulants I also use a hydro kit I have 4 floro's 40 watt each 2 soft white 2 daylight I use a 400 watt hps for flowering if you have anymore questions just ask.


Thanx jgrows4u, I have seen some setups like yours and they look really good but I'm going to be growing using soil and i will have the plants in a box that I will be making, I can't really use hps lights too expensive, i will grow with CFLs, also I have a very small place so it will be hard for me to have a big setup and I don't want the electricity bill to go up too high I live in an apartment.


Thanx to everyone for your help, its much appreciated, just gonna sit back be patient and wait for my seeds to break the surface, i have still got the heated propagator on but I have put it somewhere the daylight can get to it so it has some kinda light getting to it along with the heat. Hope that's enough for the seeds to grow.


Well-Known Member
Thanx to everyone for your help, its much appreciated, just gonna sit back be patient and wait for my seeds to break the surface, i have still got the heated propagator on but I have put it somewhere the daylight can get to it so it has some kinda light getting to it along with the heat. Hope that's enough for the seeds to grow.

it should be it sounds like you did everything right tell me how it goes/when they come up.