Please help Is my Autoflower Ready for harvist?


Active Member
Hello, so i have been growing this plant from seed and It began to flower really soon so It must be a autoflower. The past week however it seems that nothing is really changing. These photos were 3 day ago. What do you think ? Thanks


ganga gurl420

Well-Known Member
Hello, so i have been growing this plant from seed and It began to flower really soon so It must be a autoflower. The past week however it seems that nothing is really changing. These photos were 3 day ago. What do you think ? Thanks

Did you buy the seed or was it bag seed?
Even if it's an auto it's not done yet...
If it's a bag seed and was planted outdoors too early then it is probably trying to reveg because the days are getting longer.


Active Member
I am not too sure this was given to me by a friend however it started to flower after around 3 to 4 weeks so i presumed it was a auto