PLEASE HELP!!! Is my plant a hermaphrodite?


Hello again everyone. I am once again in need of some help and very fast. As I was watering my plants today on one of them (the biggest and strongest I might add) I noticed what looks like seed sacks.
IM praying that they are not as there is only a few of them and I also knocked one off as I was inspecting it.

I have posted some pictures so I hope you can see as I only have an iphone to take pics with.

Also what do I do if it is as I dont know and I really dont want to have to get rid of it.IMG_0401.jpgIMG_0402.jpgIMG_0403.jpgIMG_0404.jpg


So what do I do? they were feminised seeds so don't understand how this happened and it's only on one plant. Can I still leave it to flower?


Why should I kill it though? if it started off female then surely it cant pollinate my other plants?


Well-Known Member
the odd sac on the pre-flowers is ok, I would just pull them. It happens with fem seeds from time to time. But when you have sacs growing out of the flowers it definitely time to bin it I am afraid. And in pic 3 it looks like there are some male pods in the flower head, I would toss it if that is the case, it will just cause you no end of frustration come harvest time.


Well-Known Member
Do you want your whole harvest seeded? Because that's what will happen. Remove sacs, if there are sacks in the flower just bin the thing. If you want to try and pollenate some of your other plants I would keep some of the sacs and use the pollen from that to do it selectively. However, that being said, the offspring will have the trait of hermying from time to time as well.
Why should I kill it though? if it started off female then surely it cant pollinate my other plants?


Well-Known Member
Chop it. Its hard but its all part of the game.

It will seed the rest of your girls. It looks like seed pods in the buds.

Chop it and focus on the more stable girls.

As far as why did this happen to you because it happens to the best of us it is the nature of the plant. It is more likely to happen in femed seeds than regular seeds but always a chance.

You should double check your grow area for light leaks tho just to be absolutely sure it was not user error. Good luck.


OK thanks for the advise guys.

I know it looks like the pods are in the buds but I have gone through it again and again and the pods are not in the buds, it must just be that the pic had a shadow on it or something.

I have pulled them all off now so would it be worth keeping?


Well-Known Member
OK thanks for the advise guys.

I know it looks like the pods are in the buds but I have gone through it again and again and the pods are not in the buds, it must just be that the pic had a shadow on it or something.

I have pulled them all off now so would it be worth keeping?
Like I said you can grow it out. Just keep plucking off them balls, You will get some seed in the bud. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Pollen sack will continue to grow for the length of the grow. I just wouldn't risk it in my room with other plants. All it takes is one that you missed to open up and bang you got yourself a ton of seeds and lower quality bud. One of mine hermied on me 3 weeks into flower. It was my biggest strongest plant and had lots of bud sites. Once I saw the sacks I didn't hesitate for a second to throw a bag over it and chop it down. Good Luck with whatever you chose to do.


Well-Known Member
Yes pollen sacks on a hermied plant WILL pollinate your bud and yes they WILL keep growing back.
is this your only plant?
if not then why do you want to keep it so badly?
go do a bit more reading about pollination and feminized seeds and all that stuff and you will know more for the future.


Well-Known Member
Toss it. It isn't worth it. Looks pretty bad I think. Even if you rip them off, they will re grow and you also risk not getting them all off and spreading pollen all over the place. Not good. Either harvest early and use for hash or suffer with pollen all over everything, and seeded bud.


Well-Known Member
Hey ramarmy. I'm a new grower myself. Last summer, I had about 10 plants growing outdoors that I didn't know about. By the time I noticed them, they were already in flower, and one was a male! I chopped him down and dried him. Then I removed all the leaves. I then took all the flowers (pollen sacs) off by running my fingers down the stems, and collected them in a jar. I rolled about 15 joints of the stuff, and smoked 'em! It was a different high, but I did get high. I know a lot of people say you can't get high from males, but if you don't have anything else, it does the job. No headaches or anything.

With that said, I would still kill the male before you ruin your girls. Adios.