please help... light crisis


Active Member
okay, i have a beautiful two week old plant the only problem is im worried about the lights im using ... im currently running a 150 watt uva light 24 hours ... seems to be working well but its still young. am i cool to keep growing with this light? i only have one plant.... if not would a few12 inch blacklights work?...probly not (but i thought id ask)


Well-Known Member
Go get the biggest CFL you can find and put over top of it, maybe 2.

That will get you thru till flower.

If you want to spend the money get a 175 watt metal halide.
well veg light are really not that important you can use some cfls to should switch your light asap tho if you want a good plant


Well-Known Member
I've seen a few noobs ask about this lately. I'm starting to wonder what would really happen.. I don't think the plant can use very much of the uv light, might look like 200 lumens to the plant. if you're experimenting, by all means, continue and let us know what happens. but if it's a plant you want to do well and harvest some bud, then you can't grow with uv lights alone. uv is said to help when you're flowering, but right now you need a few 100 watt cool blue 6400k cfl lights, asap. the plant will love the light.

2 weeks old under uv only? how tall is it? is it stretching?


Well-Known Member
Get rid of that UV light FAST. get some 6500 (or 10,000K if you're lucky) fluoros and get them around that baby quick. UV light is helpful for trichromes and flowering, not for growing.