Please Help - Light Problem


Active Member
I have 4 plants in bloom stage. My timer was accidently bumped by my dog and didnt turn the lights off.

They never went into darkness last night and I woke up to check on them and they were in the light.

Do I turn the lights off now? or do I leave them on, and get them back on their regular schedule tonight?


Well-Known Member
i had the same problem 2 days ago.
i just swiched the lights off and carried on
should b no problem if doesnt happen again


Well-Known Member
That just made me think of something.. My cats have already terrorized my baby... they can't with the tent, but they can still get the timers! Shit


Active Member
anyone with advice? leave the lights on for 24 hours and keep my normal schedule? OR start a new schedule by placing in darkness now?


Well-Known Member
Id turn them off and restart your cycle of then on. seems like the further from their normal cycle would cause more stress. id cut your losses now and get them in the dark.