PLEASE HELP ME! Germing qeustion


Active Member
Ok so i started germing about 1 week ago and the like 5 seeds cracked and but to tap root is coming out its sorta like the seeds just gave up, like i can see a little white root inside the seed but it has not even made anymore progress, im germing in a paper towle folded up and in a plastic bag under my cable box where there is a constant 80 degreas of heat, Anyone know whats going on?


Active Member
What kind of water are you using? I am new myself but pretty much all the sends that I tried to germ all did. You should try to poke small holes in your plastic bag that they are in so they can get some air flow. Just a few small ones should do it.


Well-Known Member
Ok so i started germing about 1 week ago and the like 5 seeds cracked and but to tap root is coming out its sorta like the seeds just gave up, like i can see a little white root inside the seed but it has not even made anymore progress, im germing in a paper towle folded up and in a plastic bag under my cable box where there is a constant 80 degreas of heat, Anyone know whats going on?

I had that happen.. I presumed it was too much heat ... they sorta go golden don't they? I have lowered heat now and germ rate is 100% (in bag in paper towel in same room as where i will grow to prevent shock from temp changes) .. just cannot get them to grow past three weeks now ... lol ...:roll:

What annoys me my neighbour just put a bag seed into dodgy pot with dodgy soil and got a very stretched plant going on .. And we try and do it and f*** all happens ...

Maybe we try too hard .... and peek too often ...


Active Member
I had the same problem with mine first time around- Turns out it was lack of air. Try leaving the bag on it's side with the end open a little. they didn't make it, but the next set were no problem after adding a little place for air to enter. Best of luck!