Please Help Me


Active Member
Ok heres my story.
I had about 20 marijuana seeds which I didn't think were viable. I put them in water and BBBAM roots everywhere two days later. I was (and still am) completely unprepared for this. I put them in individual glasses with a terrible muddy soil mix, which I rinsed a little to remove any fertilizers in it. Still, I didn't think they'd make it..and they did. They are all stretched like 3 inches but they look healthy. I am waiting for HID lamps. I overwatered them and the soil became almost clay-like. Zero drainage. I transfered them into half gallon pots and filled in all the space around their mud blocks with perlite vermiculite mix. 3 -> 1. Am I screwed? Please help.


The russ0r
calm down man, if if they look ok i'd say you're ok, espcially if its not a ton of soil roots will quickly grow out of it and into the perlite and get oxygen. don't stress, and thinking if they are viable or not, if you put them in a glass of water you should be ready ;D


Well-Known Member
Relax dude..they sound ok..just let them dry out a bit..I mist only a few times a day and give a good water (runs out bottom) every 3-5 days depending on heat and need, you can tell when soil pulls away from plant pot... next trans plant..put some gravel (pour boiling water over to sterilize) in bottom of pot and get premium soil and mix 50-50 with perlite or pro-mix (my fav.) Never're waiting for lights and YOU'VE got the fastest seeds in town.. Oh WELCOME


Active Member
Thanks everyone!!!!!

Gangababy-I am Completely read up but somehow I managed to go against everything I read. Including the "be ready before you start" tip. (; Once the roots popped I ran out to the local nursery and grabbed some shitty homemade bagged soil. I figured bad soil was better than no soil.
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