Please help me !!


Well-Known Member
I'm currently having a issue where my plants leafs are turning yellow with a bronze crisp in the center . The plant slowly will turn from complete healthy green to a drooping yellow dead plant . I spray met 52 for mites and use pure blend liquid karma and teas for the feeding . This has effected several plants but not all . I know it's not root rot or so I think cuz the plant itself is sturdy in the ground even after it dies . My ph is running around 8 . I also foiler feed sea weed 3 times a week . I'm completely lost and not sure what can be causing the plant to turn yellow than droop . I'm watering 3x a week using 5 gal per plant . Please throw some ideas out there for me .


Final Phase

Well-Known Member
The plant may be stressed from the spray for the mites. Not familiar with met 52... When I used No Spider Mite the plants took a major hit each time they got a treatment.

How long has it been since a normal watering?


Well-Known Member
I watered yesterday and added a fungicide to it hoping that could be a issue . The plants grew amazing until early July . I was in the ground late May . It takes a couple weeks for the plant to eventually die . I was also thinking that it could be extremely stressed out from the high heat ? Than again I have other plants that are doing great . We have a extremely bad Russit mite problem and why I used a pesticide on them . It looks extremely under watered which leads me to believe that it could be a root issue which is why I just started a fungicide on the sick plants .


Well-Known Member
It's random plants as well . I've lost 4 so far and they've all been different strains and in different locations in the garden .