PLEASE HELP my new growth is turning yellow


New Member
the new growth on the tops are turning more and more yellow by the day thought it might be lockout nutrient maybe iron deficiency i checked the ph and its just 6.5-6.4 ive flushed it (before flush ph was 5.7) dont know what else to do im a first time grower please help



Well-Known Member
how did you determine your ph before flush? only true way is a soil ph tester.

Does look possibly like iron. your low soil ph what probably causing lockouts.


Well-Known Member
ive got a ph soil tester

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That is as accurate as a crack whore. Get the chemical tester. A few drops and read the color. Your ph is way off. You've got to rinse and water feed only for a few days. Then corect you issue. What are you using for nutes and soil? True organics you don't have to ph. PHing in organics will cause these problems. And if you haven't figured it out yet, your $15 tool is crap. We spend hundreds and have them mess up from improper maintenance. But what you bought might have been ok for 2 to 4 weeks but was never accurate the way you need.
Sucks being a newbie. Only way to get past being newbie is keep going....


New Member
That is as accurate as a crack whore. Get the chemical tester. A few drops and read the color. Your ph is way off. You've got to rinse and water feed only for a few days. Then corect you issue. What are you using for nutes and soil? True organics you don't have to ph. PHing in organics will cause these problems. And if you haven't figured it out yet, your $15 tool is crap. We spend hundreds and have them mess up from improper maintenance. But what you bought might have been ok for 2 to 4 weeks but was never accurate the way you need.
Sucks being a newbie. Only way to get past being newbie is keep going....
everything i have was given to me from a friend from lights, fan to soil and the soil was some organic soil mix with a bit of compost my nutes are bio gold liquid plant food 10% nitrogen 4%phosphorus 6% potassium with trace elements dont know if you have heard of it and my plants are from a bag of weed that had seeds in it lol dont know the sex and gonna flower in a few days and yes i know everything ive done is wrong but hey thought ill give it a try i got 20 rooted clones from them so if i fail i can try again
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New Member
also the new growth seem to be doing better but the tips of them are still yellow and i wanna flower soon


Well-Known Member
also the new growth seem to be doing better but the tips of them are still yellow and i wanna flower soon
leaves will always show the damage yellow out and fall off look at the new growth

how close is your light ? bongsmilie
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Well-Known Member
Do you ph your water you poor on? And at what? Eeerrrrr...... Just looked at pic on bigger screen. Too much rinsing. That's white, not yellow. That's what happens when you put straight water and rinse a plant too much when you've been giving high nutes till then. I've done it. Just go back to nutes at a little lower amount. Cut the leaves off after a week or so. Just no clorophil grew in leaf...... Give a week or so to recover before going into bud.


New Member
my light is about 38cm/15 inches ive got 3 other plants and they are fine. do i ph my water not really the ph of my water is 7 so i thought it would be good enough and ill take your advice about the nutes and flowering and we'll see how they go from here.

harris hawk

Well-Known Member
the new growth on the tops are turning more and more yellow by the day thought it might be lockout nutrient maybe iron deficiency i checked the ph and its just 6.5-6.4 ive flushed it (before flush ph was 5.7) dont know what else to do im a first time grower please help

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If it's nutrient lock-out - foliage feed this will help the plant up-take nutrients - flush when foliage feeding because you are feeding the plant via the leaves