Please Help! newbie with LED light and soil, what next?


Active Member
so i am a total newbie at this....

I have a small space and that is it for now...

i have a 180 watt LED light, equal or greater than a 600HPS. here is the link to the exact LED from Haight Solid State...

180W LED Grow Light
The ideal size for both vegetative growth and flowering of full sun loving plants
Covers up to 4x4 ft
31 - 6W wide beam LEDs
Red, blue and white LEDs for a complete full spectrum
Separate High/Low power control for blue/white and red
120V indoor use only
15 x 20 x 1 inch
3.5 lbs

i also have foxfarm ocean soil, one gallon buckets and trays, bat guano, and honey bee nutrients?....thats it i have no clue what to do with it...

I am planning on building a cabinet once i get more information. First off is a grow tent the same as a cabinet? What else will i need if i have the light and soil/plants? light, soil, plant, nutrients, fan even though it is LED?, do i need a air filter for the smell?

I know i need to buy PH stuff so i will do that, but please explain what it is that i do?

Where do i start once the cabinet is ready? What else do i need? i am going to get some clones so what is the next step?

some questions i cant figure out is..... do the clones start underneath the LED light or do i need a different light? what size soil bucket should the little plants start in? how far should the light be from the plants etc. when do i change modes...etc.

Please any help i can get! please don't respond with some other post...i have looked and read and nothing is clear to me or i would be asking.


Well-Known Member
set up your grow spot lights and all germinate the seeds in a wet paper towel once you see the taproot plant it 1inch deep in your one gallon and when it sprouts turn on your led light and all should be good also dont use nutes till atleast 1 week prefer 2 to be safe and start with a quarter of what the bottle says. did i forget anything??


Active Member
thanks i still need all the input possible, do i just pour the soil into the pot and that's it? i dont need to add anything?

do i need ventilation for LED?

how many plants would you put underneath that light?

is a tent the same as a cabinet, can i use a 4x4 grow tent.....the light says it covers up to a 4x4 area.... how high should the light be above the plant and do i raise it accordingly?



Active Member
Yeah, just drop the seeds into cups, keep the soil moist and warm, and they should sprout.

Yes, you need to ventilate, even for the LED. Plants need air. Maybe 2 small plants under that light, for starters.

An enclosure, is an enclosure, whether it be a cabinet or tent. As long as you can get completely dark during lights off, you'll be fine.

As for coverage, that will be something you will have to find out. I would start out with a 2X2 area, LED manufacturers always over exaggerate their capabilities.

As for distance from your plants, it shouldn't be very far, i keep CFLs within 1-2 inches. You just want it close enough to not burn. And, obviously, the only way you know if your too close it to burn them accidentally. j/k - LoL


Active Member
i also have foxfarm ocean soil, one gallon buckets and trays, bat guano, and honey bee nutrients?....thats it i have no clue what to do with it?
No i wouldnt add anything to the FFOF soil if any thing a lil perilte but not necessary. as for nuts go with fox farm grow big tiger bloom and/or big bloom
First off is a grow tent the same as a cabinet?[/B] What else will i need if i have the light and soil/plants? light, soil, plant, nutrients, fan even though it is LED?, do i need a air filter for the smell?
Um a tent is a tent and cabinet is a cabinet? i dont understand what your asking..?? Being a LED prolly will not get hot but you need a fan for air circulation. and a carbon filter/scrubber only if you feel you need to cover smell. NOOB here to just trying to help.:peace:

Grumpy Old Dreamer

Well-Known Member
Distance from plants??

Maybe reading what the manufacturer says on their web site is a good starting point ...

The PPF-800 should be positioned 6-18 inches above the canopy. Closer than 6 inches can result in stunted growth during the vegetative stage but it is a good idea to move the lights closer (2-3 inches) during flowering.
I would start with the light 18 inches away until the plants get used to it, then slowly move it closer - keeping a watch for any burning, if they start looking unhealthy back off a little.



Active Member
thanks for the help so far guys, anybody else the more the merrier! i need all the help and input i can get!

my question was, is a tent and a cabinet used for the same purposes? when would one choose one over the other?

thanks everyone!:peace: