please included

I was told this was a simple nitrogen deficiency but i would like a second opinion since that was the only reply and i cant find pictures of similar problems anywhere!!!
started flowering a 6 week old euphofia 2 days ago, just turned on the light 2 secs ago, and noticed brown spots on the new leaves at the top. now i already have a problem with it, i think i was over watering it and the chlorine levels are two high in it, i only figured this out during the week, i havent watered them yet, so i cant see an improvement yet. the leaves are all light green with yellow tips. it started off normal color llike, then the tips all started to go yellow, but i didnt think anything was wrong because it was growing FAST and it looked like the plant was supposed to be that color. it got worse and worse till i realised it was a problem..................... So, the problem has changed, both the yellow, and healthy NEW leaves have got brown spots on them. i know for a FACT that they were not like that yesterday, because i spent about 20 mins lookin through the whole plant for defaults with it, and they were NOT there.

The ph is around 6.5
have been using tap water without leaving it stand for a while, my first grow and i just found that out recently.
I have a 600watt hps
dont have a temperature gage.
Anything else you wanna know just ask!
PLEASE help...I love my babies