Please help think im doing something wrong!! Might lose everything!! pics inside!!


alright I need some help can someone please take a look at my plants and set up and tell me if something is wrong!

It has been 9 weeks since I changed light to 12/12. from what I understand they should be close to done right??

Alright this is my first set up.

Grow tent 78in * 78in * 78in
Light- 1000w mh/hps Apollo
Seeds- mix of some chronic bag seeds
Nutes- dutch masters gold line ( this is what the hydro shop gave me, but seems low in the numbers?)
Exhaust- I have 2 small fans in holes from tent taking air out, then have a couple of flaps at bottom open for in take.
Humidity- been pretty low the whole time around 20-30%

You can see most of my set up from pictures but I will explain whats going on..

My tent is located in a shed in back yard. It is just a medium size shed and is holes so there is a small amount of light leak but not much.
I live in the south and this is my first grow indoor. I did lots of research b4 I started and have grown outdoors. I know its too hot in the middle of summer here. So I stared around fall, everything went good got all males out and most started budding right away. Anyways it's getting cold so I have two space heaters running. Temps since I put in heaters between 60-75ish I say that because I have 3 temp gages all seem to say something different seems to be around 60 or 65 maybe. I have one of the heaters in one corner (the nicer one) and A smaller cheap one on a stand in the other corner. Thinking about putting the small one on ground with a tiny fan blowing the heat in the center of the room so the roots get more heat and the heat will then rise up and heat the tent better?

But 9 weeks of flowering and it seems they should be done or something but there still have the long white hair so they havent even made it to the swelling up part and there really airy yet is there something wrong? I feel maybe the roots are to cold and are stunted. Maybe the nutes are not strong enough. Or could just be they take longer to flower?

Also been seeing a white powdery substance on some of the leave ( maybe poor air circulation) not sure?

Please anyone I have spent a lot of money and time on these and really want this to work!! :)


Ursus marijanus
There are two possibilities for your white powdery substance.
The first is good, since it's what yu're after.

the second is bad, since powdery mildew can kill a plant. cn



I think it is the bad powdery mildew. It is not very bad. It is only on some leaves in small spots right now. I have read up on this and some people say using milk and water or baking soda and water to solve this problem. Have you heard this or know if it works?

Do you have any ideas on why the plants are taking so long?


Ursus marijanus
I have no had to combat mildew. But I have heard that 10% milk in water is effective.

As for baking soda, the hydro store sells potassium bicarb for that purpose. It's the much better alternative. Sodium is toxic, but it's hard to OD a flowering plant on K. They luuhv the stuff.

I also must say those plants do not look like 9 weeks of flower ... more like 2 to 4. You have another coupla months' flower ahead of you. In my estimation they're getting a bit too much N and not enough K. The "claw" is diagnostic of a bit much N. cn


Ursus marijanus
<add> the photo was taken under MH. I suggest switching to your HPS ... slightly more positive flowering, definitely more positive yield ... cn


well as far as nutes the flower ratio is A= 1-8-5 B= 4-0-4
I use one tablespoon of each every other watering that seem right

O and thank for replying


Ursus marijanus
well as far as nutes the flower ratio is A= 1-8-5 B= 4-0-4
I use one tablespoon of each every other watering that seem right

O and thank for replying
You need to have a rough 1-1-3 ratio in flower.
And that light is much too white for HPS, unless you've set your camera's color balance far into the blue ... cn


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Listen to cn he's the the canna whisperer LOL :) As long as you make him step away from the plasma lights ::snicker::

Your plants are really close and your canopy is very uneven (don't feel bad I failed canopy 101 twice in a row). So something that starts out in a small spot or two can spread fast. Mildew does better in moister darker areas. You want to lower your humidity and up your light, if you can. If it were me and I couldn't up the light I'd really drop the humidity. the other thing I'd do is put my shorter plants on something to get them closer to the lights and more even with their bigger sisters. (that was a hard learned lesson for me).

I'd also trim the under canopy that won't be producing buds for you. Oh and I'm with CN on your bud formation, it looks around week 2. So you've got awhile to go.


It was taken under HPS. It was taken from a camera phone so it just doesnt look good. It is def yellow.

What do you mean by a rough 1-1-3? My nutes have two different ratios and this is what the hydro store told me to use.


you will get powder milduw bcos its cold outside the tent an hot inside carefull smoking it nice plant hps good


I can not lower the humidity any more then it already is. It has been at 20 to 30% the entire grow. The light is already on Super and Can not go any higher... If you mean to bring it up It is already up as high in the tent as possible and cant be brought up anymore. I do trim the under canopy you just cant see it well in the picture. I dont understand why it looks two weeks when it has been switched to 12/12 for nine weeks already. What is the problem with them?


Ursus marijanus
It was taken under HPS. It was taken from a camera phone so it just doesnt look good. It is def yellow.

What do you mean by a rough 1-1-3? My nutes have two different ratios and this is what the hydro store told me to use.
1-1-3 is the ratio of N, P and K. So a 5-5-15 blend (or 2-3-9) would work because the numbers are proportional or close to it. I cannot see how to mix 1-1-3 with your nutes ... one is too high in P and the other in N. cn


Ursus marijanus
You mentioned light leaks. They could have delayed the onset of flower. If you patched the light holes in your shed, you might have been further along. This is a wild guess. cn


Well-Known Member
to be honest.. if those are 9 weeks id chop them and start over. the light leaks probably have something to do with this. powder mold with 30% humidity seems gnarly, i would try to increase your air flow. i dont know why you would need space heaters, is this when the lights are off? you seem to have enough light in there to where it should be heating the place.

better luck next time


Well my light dont put off as much heat as you would think for a 1000w. Maybe it raises the heat 10 degrease or so but thats it. The heater are for, like I said the tent is out side in the shed and it has been like 29 at night and 50-60 or so during the day outside the shed. Plus the heaters are not that great. They are 9 weeks but it took like 2 weeks to show plus some strains do take longer so i hear. But to just cut them down man that's a lot of money, time, and patience wasted. There has to be something i can do, some do have some nice large buds that just haven't stopped reaching to be pollinated, and after that they say the buds start swelling to the point where it gets close to harvest. Just seems like i should be done by now, but i have ppl telling me they look like 2 weeks of flowering. I'm hoping they will finish and I'm just being paranoid they all look good so you would thing they are ok Well I hope!!!