please help thnk shes dying

hi this is my first grow and think ive reall y messed up im growing afghan kush special shes 29 days into flower in biobizz all mix soil the thing is since going into 12/12 ive only been feeding her biobloom i started off with a few rust spots now a few days later my leaves start off looking mottled green then turn yellow n brown curling up not crispy tho and just been to check on her and shes fallin over ive tied her up and i just dont know what to do the soil still moist so cant feed any help greatly appreciated cant get camera bk to next week bro got it on hols totally freaking out:cry: my temps stay at a steady 80 using a 250 halide


Well-Known Member
probably burning her with nutrients, and the soil isn't draining well if its staying moist...give us some pics of the problems to go on, but i'd say you probably have salt lock in your soil, so you might have to flush to get those nutrients out before it will rebound, but again give us pictures :)
the soil drains ok just watered 3 days ago ive only been giving 2mls of biobloom every other watering so dont think could be nutrient burn


Well-Known Member
you just watered 3 days ago and your soil is still moist...that doesn't sound like good drainage to me...and if you keep adding nutrients to soil and the root system doesn't absorb it as fast as you are adding it, weather it be overnuting or PH issues, it will just get worse unless you correct so we can see what your foliage is doing m8 :)


Well-Known Member
what size pot is this in? If you are only giving it 4pints of water...and its not drying out after 3 days, it sounds like your soil REALLY doesn't drain well, AND probably are rootbound like a mofo...
okay i,m gna go try borrow a friends camera then come back with a pic so if its rootbound and itds got 4weeks left is there anything i can do or is it the end of the road for her


Well-Known Member
The problem with being rootbound is the plant is suffocating causing the roots to not absorb water/ in turn they start rotting...only surefire way to solve it is to repot to a larger pot. If its been 4 week since you went 12/12 then you really are only 2-2.5 weeks into flowering(transition from veg to flower of 1.5-2 weeks) you probably have at least another 6-8 weeks of flowering left(strain/environment dependent) lets see them pics and give us some more info :)