Please help verify sex

I've already switched to 12/12 almost 2 weeks ago. I measured it at 36" from the base of the hydro bucket. If you notice in the picture, it's really really close to the light, it's grown extremely fast and I can't raise the light much anymore. It's grown at least 12" if not a little more since flipping to 12/12. I'm taking it off the pedestal when I flush the system later today, that gives me another 20" or so. It's my very first grow ever so I got some bagseed from a friend and trying this out before I start trying some quality seeds. Decided to go with Blue Mystic because of lower odor and short growth.P1020261.jpg

If anyone is curious about the filter. I don't have any heat problems at all. it's sitting close to the plant and works great. There's not enough room to mount it up high and this setup allows me to move the light with out worrying about moving the filter. Works for me.