please help with ph


Active Member
i checked the ph of my soil last night (50% potting mix-25% peat humus- 25& perlite) and about where my roots are it was about5.0. the lower i got into the pot (8 inche pot), the lower my ph dropd, all the way to 3.5 at the very bottom of the pot. I dont know if i should use vinager or bakeing soda to correct the problem (i think bakeing soda cuz its a base), and i dont know how or when i should apply it or how much to apply. Any help with this would be great


Well-Known Member
the reason its higher twords the bottom is probably because its more moist . dont use baking soda it is sodium bicarbonate and sodium is bad what you need is some agricultural lime . where i live farmers are applying this to thier fields now to sweeten the soil if you live in an agricultural area you will see piles of it in fields right by the road its real easy to grab a little after dark you could also probably find it at a garden center or co-op in a 8" pot i would mix about 1/2 cup into the top 1" of soil then water within a couple of days your ph should come up you need to do this soon before the low ph causes a nutriant lockout .goodluck !


Active Member
ok so about a half a cup of lime, that works great thanks (i work in the garden center at wal mart so easy access), and to gnome, no i cant i have tried every nursery and feed and seed place around here and the all have a very horrid selection, thanks for the advice anyways though