Please Help With Temp Question...


Active Member
I currently have 20 white rhino(Greenhouse Seed CO.) seedlings that are in their second week of growth. Germination and sprouting were as normal but since this is my first indoor/winter grow im dealing with a bit cooler temps than i am used to(ususally starting in early april for outdoors). Im not dealing with anything too drastic, the lowest my temps have gotten have been around 60F at night in my room. My reason for concern is that the seedlings not only have purple stems, but also slight hues of purple and red on the first set of leaves that have emerged, and some of these leaves have begun to curl slightly downwards. On one seedling there even seems to be some kind of small spot in the center of a leaf(brown???,purple???, cant really tell with my mediocre eye sight). These were under a new 150 watt HPS with a small fan on low for circulation, but since becoming a little worried I have moved them back to my usual flourescents(both situations were under 24 hour light). They are in 4 in pots with Happy Frog soil and have been given nothing but water. I dont see how it could be a nutrient problem seeing as how young they are and the fact that i have never burned seedlings in this soil before. For these same reasons I am also reluctant to blame a deficiency. Could it be my lighting, temperature, maybe over or underwatering( dont think this is a problem though, as they have been allowed to dry out between waterings), or am i just crazy? Anyways, thanks for your time and any help is greatly appreciated.