Please Help!!!!!


Active Member
Hello. I have been growing my plant indoors since around June 10th of this year. The tallest one is now 23 inches high. There are many plants in the same pot. Some have very big leaves and some are just popping out of the soil. There are three lights on the plant 24 hours a day. I have a few questions...

Should I have constant light on my plant? 'Cause I noticed when I don't, the leaves droop over.

Now I know that you need female plants 'cause they produce the buds, but I have not seen any hairs on the stems... is it too early to see them? When should I expect to see buds forming or any hairs and not just the marijuana leaves?

I water it as much as I can and I've read some grow guides online but none of them seem to give any kind of a time range...

Am I doing something wrong? Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!

If I can, I'll try and post some pictures of my plant on here.
If the pictures don't post, my myspace URL is and there are a lot of pictures of it on there, so feel free to add me or message me with any help you can give me.

Here are some links to pictures of my plant...

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Hey Girl,

I have not looked at your pictures but here are some thoughts.

Try to only have 1 plant per 3 gallon container.
You must switch the light cycle to 12 hours light and 12 hours of uniterupted darkness in order to find out if your plants are male or female.... this light cycle is called the flowering cycle.
23 iinches is a tall plant and you should switch to 12/12 now...

I don't usually look at pictures unless they are loaded directly into a post...
