Please Help

  • im growing off a 120w triband led with one t5 florescent lamp 6400k bulb. Im using ff grow big for nutes.

    Started seeing yellowing on the leaves so I used a little lime on each of them and started to notice that they are looking even worse than before,.. Can anyone tell me what the problem is that i am having .

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Active Member
It looks like you have both nute lock out and nute burn. What is the pH of your water + nutes + soil? I would flush your plants' soil with pH balanced water and on the next feeding properly balance the pH of your solution. They also look like they could use some Cal/Mg (brown rotting spots). My best advice is to pick up a soil testing kit, they are $3 at Home Depot or another hardware store and you will be able to asses your levels of pH, N, P & K. It will allow you to make the best diagnosis of what your soil is missing. A lock out could also be what's keeping your plants from absorbing what you are feeding so it could be as easy as balancing it all out. Good luck!


Active Member
i agree dellmore i see lot ffmixs on forum with simalir problems makes you wonder if thier reading mixing instuctions properly lol P cal/mag defs probly caused excuss N plus real dark/nercrosis P def leading to cal/mag eaten by plant improperly as it cant transport/absorb as well with P also just tip but small pots cant hold a lot nutes as running slightly to high ppm will spike ppm/ec /ph as pot drys up this happen always regardless of nute level but more nutes- water = headaches its better to keep ur plant eating than trying to stuff food in its roots