Please help!!!


Active Member
I'm at a loss idk what's wrong I heard its mildew but now my leaves are turning yellow from the outside in the bottom ones are wilted and dying I tried water and milk I tried peroxide and I tried neem oil please help me!!!

Nice Ol Bud

Well-Known Member
Alright well I don't want to leave you hanging.
But I can't tell you what's wrong.

Post as much info on the grow as you can.
From how old, to the temperatures.. to what exact type of soil..
All of that.

Then you'll get more answers!

Farmer's Hat

Well-Known Member
It looks like you were having some bug problem, and used a strong water and milk mix. The milk could have dried on the leaves, sealing the pores of the leaves, and causing them to die.

Stop spraying the plant, let it recover. Wipe off the leaves with a damp paper towel.

Farmer's Hat

Well-Known Member
Incidentally, a milk/water mix will solve powdery mildew problems.

Milk has long been popular with home gardeners and small-scale organic growers as a treatment for powdery mildew. Milk is diluted with water (typically 1:10) and sprayed on susceptible plants at the first sign of infection, or as a preventative measure, with repeated weekly application often controlling or eliminating the disease. Studies have shown milk's effectiveness as comparable to some conventional fungicides,[SUP][11][/SUP] and better than benomyl and fenarimol at higher concentrations.[SUP][12][/SUP] Milk has proven effective in treating powdery mildew of summer squash,[SUP][12][/SUP] pumpkins,[SUP][11][/SUP] grapes,[SUP][13][/SUP] and roses.[SUP][13][/SUP] The exact mechanism of action is unknown, but one known effect is that ferroglobulin, a protein in whey, produces oxygen radicals when exposed to sunlight, and contact with these radicals is damaging to the fungus.[SUP][13][/SUP]


Well-Known Member
it looks like nutrient burn to me. But that's just an assumption on the picture cause I have no other info.


Well-Known Member
and is that aluminum on the bottom reflecting light? If it is get it the hell out of there cause it cause hot spots that burn the leaves and that could also be your problem cause it would make sense being the bottom leaves


Well-Known Member
I tried water and milk I tried peroxide and I tried neem oil
Howabout trying not to spray shit on your plants, it only makes it worse. The issue is either poor soil, temps too high or bad feeding regime. Or all of the above.