Please help


Don't know what happened to my baby. It looks sad, isn't growing. New growth has a bit of yellow tone, veins are a bit red also. All other plants are ok 3 times size.

I start my seedlings under cfl for 3-4 weeks, and just changed them to a 400w hps.

Grow medium: golden label custom light mix (no added nutrients) uses coco instead of perlite.
fertilizer: biobizz, grow, bloom, algmix, bio heaven and fish plagron fish mix, AN piranha (half dosage of chart)
PH has been between 6.2 and 6.6
strain: Kosher Kush

I've flushed it once with no results. Checked the Ph of the drain water to calculate the ph of the rootzone and I estimated 6.7.



Well-Known Member
Okay looks like nutrients was way too much
but what did you add? nutrients? change lights? is your lights on 24/7? if so stop the roots need to grow and need dark(rest time) to grow so 18/6 or even 16/8 works. i do 16/8 till roots are set. After i know my roots are ready i then work the plant growth 18 hrs is min. i would suggest 20 hrs since roots are full and now you can make super cronic. most dont understand the importance of great roots. that is why i am gonna try air injection from i watched videos and built my own. contact me i also researched led tech and what size led you need for diff size rooms and how to use them. 3 watt each led is 5 to 3 feet away and 1 watt is 3 ft to 3 inch away. this is not a game of chance but science and what can be proved. But dont change anything till someone with experience talks to you. fix and adjsut as little as possible to much shock and the3 plant dies. hope this helps and isnt too late. message me and we can talk phone or chat.


Well-Known Member
Okay looks like nutrients was way too much. But don't change anything till someone with experience talks to you.
So you are offering advice, and admitting you have no experience. Which is obvious from reading your rambling nonsensical post.


Well-Known Member
Standard nute burn, with a little over watering on the side,....Flush with 3 times the volume of the pot, with air temperate Ph neutral water, allow to recover in dim light, one day or over night then resume, no nutes for 3 weeks or until you see a need

tiny roach

Active Member
Don't know what happened to my baby. It looks sad, isn't growing. New growth has a bit of yellow tone, veins are a bit red also. All other plants are ok 3 times size.

I start my seedlings under cfl for 3-4 weeks, and just changed them to a 400w hps.

Grow medium: golden label custom light mix (no added nutrients) uses coco instead of perlite.
fertilizer: biobizz, grow, bloom, algmix, bio heaven and fish plagron fish mix, AN piranha (half dosage of chart)
PH has been between 6.2 and 6.6
strain: Kosher Kush

I've flushed it once with no results. Checked the Ph of the drain water to calculate the ph of the rootzone and I estimated 6.7.
Sorry, I know I'm a newb, and some of thee more experienced folks, are no doubt, more the ones who will help you, but , I hate to say........thats what one of mine looked like, and , sadly, it didn't survive..........:wall:

tiny roach

Active Member
Standard nute burn, with a little over watering on the side,....Flush with 3 times the volume of the pot, with air temperate Ph neutral water, allow to recover in dim light, one day or over night then resume, no nutes for 3 weeks or until you see a need
I could have saved my plant?

This advice will be remembered........TY !!

tiny roach

Active Member
Just curious, if anyone has time, what type of lighting, and color of bulb. is most condusive to hearty, indoor growing ?

wattage could be helpful , too. I don't want to burn them , yet I need them to get the full amount needed, and chi-town "ain't" good, for growth of my plants, in the winter.

Summer............they thrive on my deck....!!!


Thanks 4 your replies.

I doubt nutrient burn. Tips are ok. Also feeding very little. My green is pale going to yellow so I thought of denutrition.

overwatering is due to flushing. My humidity is a bit low so thats why the leaves got those points.


Well-Known Member
Man if this was mine, this is what I'd do. They're hungry. I'd flush first like you did already. Then either get jacks classic, miracle grow, or Wal-Mart brand expert gardener [the one I use sometimes] you know, the blue shit. Hell they all the same, and add 1tbl. spoon to a gallon and soak the pot. After a few days they will come to. Forget all that other stuff except a form of cal-mag. Trust me this will fix it. In future grows look into making your own organic soil. Hell it's fun too. If they die by following my advice, I'll have my ''buddy'' send ya some beans to start again. Don't have kosher though. Just my .02cents bud good luck.


Just curious, if anyone has time, what type of lighting, and color of bulb. is most condusive to hearty, indoor growing ?

wattage could be helpful , too. I don't want to burn them , yet I need them to get the full amount needed, and chi-town "ain't" good, for growth of my plants, in the winter.

Summer............they thrive on my deck....!!!
Vegetative the best light is Mercury (blue spectrum i forgot the freq)
flowering the best light is HPS (red spectrum)

u need a different analogue ballast for each type of lamp or use a digital ballast that can handle them both.

The best conditions will be if you have both spectrums with a 3 to 1 ratio depending if veg or blooming. For example 600w hps with 200w merc.

I like to safe a bit of money vegging on cfl, I use secret jardin grow tCFL

hope this gives you some idea.


I hate to bring up a some what old post but has any one thought of light shock? Moving plants so quickly will cause new growth to turn yellow and continue as the shock gets worse I believe it even stunts the growth


My plant was so stunned it was taking little water after the flush, I gambled and gave it 250ml water with fertilizers, it seemed to have liked it becoming greener and growing a bit again. I hope that it starts absorbing the rest of water and erect those leaves.

I do have a bit of light stress as I try to keep the lights as close as possible, enough to avoid heat stress.

Other plants are big and bushy ready to start producing flowers.


So one question.. Not even about plants I'm new to the site and I can't figure out how to create a post... I can just comment