Please help!


New Member
My babies are dying!!! What am I doing wrong? They are under 600watts 20-30inches away depending on size. Pre fertilized soil but I also added bac to vegetative ones. At 90 degrees here and 30humidity i know its not ideal but got fans going and window open plus big bucket of water in the room. They are on 18hour light cycle. Going for fabric pots and coco substrate tomorrow was hoping to recover them from possible nute and heat stress??? The seedling though, whats up with the curling leaves? Thanks for any and all input. Blessed be.


Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
My babies are dying!!! What am I doing wrong? They are under 600watts 20-30inches away depending on size. Pre fertilized soil but I also added bac to vegetative ones. At 90 degrees here and 30humidity i know its not ideal but got fans going and window open plus big bucket of water in the room. They are on 18hour light cycle. Going for fabric pots and coco substrate tomorrow was hoping to recover them from possible nute and heat stress??? The seedling though, whats up with the curling leaves? Thanks for any and all input. Blessed be.
It is the most difficult medium for beginner and those plants are over fertilized and suffering heatstroke if you ask me
I don't have a solution per say but 90F is too hot


Well-Known Member
Ima goin' with these 3 words "pre fertilized soil". They are fried. Once you put anything in that shit you are simply on the ride. (usually going nowhere) That and the heat....while not overly hot...combine for the kill.

Read. Read more. Then read even more. Mirror what successful growers are doing and using for soils/ferts/lights/ventilation/genetics/etc.


Well-Known Member
looks like over feed and heat stress. one thing i like about coco is its very simple to feed, more like hydro in that sense


Well-Known Member
Im not sure on over fertilized, but i would say lack of water/low humidity is causing transpiration to happen too quickly.