PLEASE JUST ANSWER MY QUESTION !!!!!! i need help quick and i cant get an answer

ok i have tried a bunch of times but keep getting different answers. i have come to the conclusion that it is the cold that is changing my plants to the blackish purple color but i dont know what to do about it. Harvest now or wait it out?



Illegal Smile

I don't see what you have to lose by waiting. They may not grow anymore but the cold won't harm the bud that is already there.


Well-Known Member
i think ur fucked idk what you did to your poor plant but where are all your pistils how long has this been flowering


Well-Known Member
How cold is it and how many more weeks do you need 2 flower?
people pay money to make their bud turn purple... this is a gift of low temperatures at night... not a problem.. and u can keep growing that beast untill all the leaves falll off and the planter dries completely... wat are u usin for lights and explain ur setup and nutes
it is between 30-40 at night and i think i need about 3 weeks left i until flowering and by then it will be colder than it is has been flowering for like 7 weeks


Well-Known Member
outside!! cut them down now... first frost was the other night... the frost will def fuck ur bud all up... cut them down my from same area, my guess is they ight already have got some damage... the other night was first frost so get them inside and warm


Well-Known Member
Dude that plant is going to just die from cold weather probably if the temps are really that low... If it frosts you are fucked, I would yank it before frost...


Well-Known Member
i cant believe they lived... i had some out there that got iced up... lucky boy... or u can even wrap the plant in a thick blanket at night to keep it warmm... and no im not joking.... the frost will only stick to the blanket and not ur buds.


Well-Known Member
Yea man. Your purple is OK. It is a result of low night time temps. The plant will be fine and you will prolly benifit from pretty potent bud if you harvest 24 hours after the first frost. These low temps are causing your buds to produce RESIN's. One frost, and your plant will go into FREAK OUT mode, and all your trichomes will fill, and mature quickly in the 24 hours aftwards. Then cut em down. I grow outdoors in canada, and know tonnes about this shit:) Good luck man.


Well-Known Member
Yea man. Your purple is OK. It is a result of low night time temps. The plant will be fine and you will prolly benifit from pretty potent bud if you harvest 24 hours after the first frost. These low temps are causing your buds to produce RESIN's. One frost, and your plant will go into FREAK OUT mode, and all your trichomes will fill, and mature quickly in the 24 hours aftwards. Then cut em down. I grow outdoors in canada, and know tonnes about this shit:) Good luck man.
hey u got to trust a outdoor grower from canada... thats some hard weather up there.... i hope your next post is---chopped down after the first frost... we already got the first frost so no more posting and dig that baby up... then post pictures of it all manicured up... best of luck


Well-Known Member
liek i said your plant is fucked if you dont take it inside looks like the cold has already started to strangle your plant
harvest now before its totally ruined if you cant bring indoors.
so i am keeping them inside tonight and i will be harvesting tomorrow at 4:20 one of my plants i am going to leave though for a few weeks and just keep it inside unless its plenty warm enough to be out there and hopefully it will mature a little more before i have to harvest that beautiful baby. thanks for all your help and i will post pics of the harvest. im hoping to get a lot out of this first plant seeing as it is almost 6 feet tall..wish me luck first ever harvest :)


Well-Known Member
best of luck.. this being your first grow let the bud dry.... i repeat let thebud dry... lol if u smoke it before its ready u wont enjoy it and are removing precious weight that would otherwise taste delicious... cut off the fan leaves and hang those babys on a string for atleast aweek.. then into a mason jar.. and open it like 4 times a day.. the longer that bud chills in the jar the better it will look smell and taste... peace