Please look at my pic I hope it's not a he/she

So it is showing alot of girl parts but then I noticed a single ball shaped growth. There is another one that appears to be opening up. I hope it's not a herm. This is my first grow so I am not sure what this growth is. I'm hoping new plant growth. The plant is 2 months old and is a week and a half into flower.
I don't think it's a herm. I think what you are looking at is a new leaf coming out. Give it time to develop and you will know for sure. It takes time for the balls to become dangerous ;)

I figured since this is the first time I started a thread I would take the time to show you what I got going on. This is my first grow, i am growing for medical purposes. They are some bagseed I aquired from a friend. I had three but one turned out to be male. I had to hack it, no other dude is gonna gonna get with my girls. They are both about 2 months old, maybe 2 and a half. This is a week and a half of flowering. I started under two 4ft fl T5(i think those are the regular types of fl bulbs) they have been under HPS for about 3 weeks. They are soilless with a constant recirculating flow. I have been using Botanicare Pure Blend Pro Grow as well as Pro Bloom nutes (becouse the are a single bottles no mixing required and their cheap $18 at my local hydro store). They appear to be 2 diffrent strands, I'm assuming that becouse of the hight diffrence and the leaves are dissimiliar. Lemme know what you guys think. I have taken my clone(4 from the big and 2 from the small). This site has given me a plethera of knowledge. I can't wait for harvest time :)
So anyone else have any diffrent opinions about what the groth on my girl is? I have heard herm and new leaf. Anybody else???