Please need help .


Active Member
when i turn on my fan the huminity goes down and the tampratior goes up !! to 28 degrees ,25 % hiuminity !!!
when the fan is off,its 22 digrees and himinty is 75% !!
what i do ? fan on or off boys ??


Well-Known Member
It all depends on whether your in Veg or Flower. Veg is better to be a bit cooler and more humid, while flower is better warmer and less humidity. sounds like you got the best of both worlds without even trying. FWIW neither will do any harm as 22 is not too low and 28 is not too high.


Active Member
rely ? so i have no problem?
please tel me the minimum of tamrature and huminity ?and the maximum of them.


Well-Known Member
Lowest temps you would want are 60F/16C and highest temps would be 90F/32C. Ideally you want between 10-15f/ 3-5C temperature difference between lights off and lights on. Good humidity levels to have during veg are 60-80% and during flowering 20-40%. Your good to go!


Well-Known Member
Temperature : 15c - 30c = good enough
Humidity : Vegetative Stage : 60-80%
: Flowering Stage (when buds form) 20-40%

If you can keep the temps and humidity within these ranges you will be fine. =]