pleaseee help with my 17 day old plants! (size problem)

okay so im a first time grower and im having some probelms mainly with size! i have 2 plants, the strain is chocolate berry from sannie, they are under 8, 23 watt cfls (4 each) and i ussualy water every 2 days... as i look around at other peoples 2 week old plants, they are ALOT bigger than mine. my plants have a little bit of yelloing, and one looks a little more akward than the other but my main prblem is just the size! i must be doing something wrong.. soo, please take a look at my pictures and let me know what i may be doing wrong or if im just being paraniod (be gentle
) haha any info will help
plant 1.jpgplantt 1.jpgplant 2.jpgplantt 2.jpg


Legal Moderator, Esq.
Your pot is way too big it's gonna cause the roots to have to stretch way too far to get at the nutes and they are gonna stay fairly shallow. You should start in something like a party cup until like week 4ish.
yeah I think you make a good point about that party cup thing.. soo, honestly should i just re-start? or is there anyway to transplant them to a smaller pot??


Well-Known Member
eh dont restart now, just more nutrients in the water perhaps, and more light, give it time. atleast ya dont have to replant them in a few days lol


Active Member
buy a 3 way ph, moisture, ppm meter it will save you alot of time. keep the ph between 6.5 and 7.0 anything out of this range will slow down nute absorbtion and may cause lockout or stunted growth. keep the ppm below 100 for seedlings.