Plz help identify sex. Pic included


Well-Known Member
hey everyone. i have a couple plants going and would not consider myself full noob by any means.
out of my 10 plants id say about 6-7 are showing for sure female but this one i wasnt sure. wanted to ask the forum
and see if i could just be worried about it or its too early to tell.

So the question. Has this plant for sure sexed? if so male or female? or is it still to early to be %100.
Thanks for any input guys. this boy would be very close to my ladies so i wanna remove if needed.

Keeep it green.


Well-Known Member
Although the node to the left appears to look like male parts are starting to show its still too early to tell. Give them another week and you will know. Your still early on I wouldn't worry about your females yet.


Well-Known Member
ya i know the cant pollinate the ladies until flower just dont wanna waste any more time with a male u know?


Active Member
Though it does appear to be a developing male preflower, it is far too early to tell. It could always change shape and grow pistils.


Well-Known Member
so 100% agree it looks to be the early stages of male. this strongly indicates male.
i would like to wait it out in the extremely unlikely chance its female and it cant pollinate the other girls yet as far as i understand so ill give it a couple more days.
its in the ground. is there a safe way to uproot it and maybe relocate it?for hashish purposes lol if not no biggie


Well-Known Member
It wouldn't be worth your time. I would hold off for a few more days it cant pollinate anything ... well until there is something to pollinate..... SO just ride it out until you are 100% sure, based on the pics I am about 60% sure it is going to be male....... but then again ... read my sig..........
could be a hermi, i see little balls, but i think i might see one little pistil , could be just new growth though, give it a couple days you'll find out soon


Well-Known Member
Thx guys. Basically what I thought the whole time. I was about %60 sure its male by the look since my other plants all starting sexing @ same time and look distinctly female. Now with all the input I'm abouT %75 sure. Will Ride it out tho of course. Dont wanna yank it on a hunch