PLZ HELP picking a couple of things


I currently have 5 6 weeks old Cali med. Plants switched to 12/12 at 4 1/2 weeks old . What I am wondering is, are they old enough to be fed? If so, which food should I feed them, Foxfarm Blooming one or tiger bloom? Do I just follow the instructions on the back of the bottle or what do I do? :-?


Well-Known Member
Start them off with half nutes, you could have started like 3 weeks ago... I havent used fox farm or tiger bloom, but either would work. Some one will give you advice on the nutes.


Well-Known Member
What are you growing in? soil? Ocean Forrest?
Yes, you are probably overdue for a feeding. I would recommend you go to their website & get their feeding schedule for your medium. I use Fox Farm & starting feeding at 1/4 strength after 3 weeks.