plz help whats with these droopy plants


Well-Known Member
other than the droop the look fine , its almost like they are tired or something. i want to start to flower


Well-Known Member
the 1 inch starter cube does not get wet at all , could i be letting the table fill up to much causing over water
? about 5inch of my containers get sumerged . im lost on this one and its getting frustrating this has been happening for almost two weeks but they are maintaining to grow


Well-Known Member
really because after 6 hrs of dark the look fine and then start to drop , whats the prob here? anyone plz?


Well-Known Member
under/over watering is the main culprit for droopy plants. If watering is not the issue then check all the other environment conditions and make sure they are in order.


Well-Known Member
everything seems to be in order . im flooding once per lights on for now thanks ppl i will keep u updated