
Well-Known Member
Looks like it. Does it appear in blotches? An overall pic would be nice too. There are 3 things you can do. Lose the plants and start over, keep the PM at bay through continual treatments, or go nuclear and use a chemical fungicide to eradicate it. Also, you need to try to identify the source and fix that problem.


Well-Known Member
Looks like it. Does it appear in blotches? An overall pic would be nice too. There are 3 things you can do. Lose the plants and start over, keep the PM at bay through continual treatments, or go nuclear and use a chemical fungicide to eradicate it. Also, you need to try to identify the source and fix that problem.
I wanna keep it.. just going to use her for my experimental breeding proposes. I think I know exactly what caused it.. a buddy gave me a clone and it was sitting besides her for a while before I realized the clone was infested with pm.. but anyways.. how do I get rid of it since I wanna keep the plant.. how have you successfully rid pm?


Well-Known Member
Eagle 20 will kill it and it wont come back. Nothing else that I have used eliminates it. I only have used it on young plants. You don't want to apply it when in flower. It is definitely not organic, and is chastised by a lot of people. I would love to not have to use it, but if I have PM and want to keep the plants or genetics then in is my go to. Apply outside, skin covered, and a mask or respirator and stay up wind when applying to be safe. It's no joke. Maybe I am overcautious, but a pint of prevention....


Well-Known Member
Get some Greencure. It's highly effective, and listed organic, so it won't destroy your foliage like the chemicals will. I've tried eagle at the recommended dosage.... it's straight up poison...and didn't work. It destroyed my plants though.
I never had to make more than 3 applications of Greencure to remove pm. Ever since I supplement with potassium silicate and I don't have the problem.
Pm is more of a plant health issue than it is an exposure problem. Pm is everywhere, the solution is to keep the plants healthy and the conditions favorable.


Well-Known Member
Ok cool thanks...I just don't want to fck nothing up and guess less is best when in doubt.
I use 1ml per gal.

I have never had any foliage death and one good application did the trick on the few occasions I have had to use it. Obviously we all have different experiences as attested to by thegreensurfer. To each their own. I hate fucking around with stuff. Once I find something that works I stick with it. I wholeheartedly agree about potassium silicate. It is cheap awesomeness for your plants. I wont grow without it anymore. has a cheap powdered silica that is cheap and lasts a loooong time. Your plants will thank you.

@thegreensurfer have you ever had it return after your 3 applications? Are you using it on one run plants or mothers also?


Well-Known Member
I use 1ml per gal.

I have never had any foliage death and one good application did the trick on the few occasions I have had to use it. Obviously we all have different experiences as attested to by thegreensurfer. To each their own. I hate fucking around with stuff. Once I find something that works I stick with it. I wholeheartedly agree about potassium silicate. It is cheap awesomeness for your plants. I wont grow without it anymore. has a cheap powdered silica that is cheap and lasts a loooong time. Your plants will thank you.

@thegreensurfer have you ever had it return after your 3 applications? Are you using it on one run plants or mothers also?
I haven't had any pm on my flowering plants for about two years. When I did need to use it, it was a staggered perpetual harvest, which is a high risk environment for pm. Yet, I would just do one preventative spray at wk 2-3 and I still wouldn't get it.
There were a few times where I'd get some spots on my mothers but it's been more than 5 years since. I really recommend's cheap, last a long time, and it works. Best of all, it's good up to day of's food grade potassium bicarbonate.
The peace of mind in not having to worry about powdery mildew anymore made my life a lot easier