pointers on waterfarm grow

Hello, new to hydro, I was gifted a water farm. I found this great forum and of course scottyballs threads and others.
I just had a side question that I cannot seem to find the answer for. Which is nutrient strength.....or more precisely finding the proper strength.
How do you find the optimal amount for the plant in veg and bud stages? I don't want to under or overfeed them.
For instance, if I give them say XXXppm. How do I tell if the plant can handle more or if it is getting too much (aside from obvious damage)?
I appreciate any help.
If you didn't get it in the first few pages of Scottys thread there's not much more to tell.. It's all covered there for those who want to do it his way.. It's basically the same for all dwc grows.. You just gotta do your homework..