Police raids

Hey so just wondering I had a friend staying with me recently try to steal from me and we had to kick him out. Unfortunately he new about my grow and he threatened to call the police on me. It’s been around 30 days since this went down and nothing has happened thus far. I had moved my plants to another location immediately just to be sure. My question is how long would it take to police to raid your house if they got a tip there was a grow there. I want to know when I will be able to bring my babies back. Do raids happen like immediately after tips or like a few months later. Does anybody have any information?
Hey so just wondering I had a friend staying with me recently try to steal from me and we had to kick him out. Unfortunately he new about my grow and he threatened to call the police on me. It’s been around 30 days since this went down and nothing has happened thus far. I had moved my plants to another location immediately just to be sure. My question is how long would it take to police to raid your house if they got a tip there was a grow there. I want to know when I will be able to bring my babies back. Do raids happen like immediately after tips or like a few months later. Does anybody have any information?
i feel like they would scope out your place for like a week and see if there is a grow op going on if if they notice nothing then they leave you alone but i have no experience in getting raided so idk
Depending on your location, they can't just act on one persons claim. If they thought it was worth their time they'd likely have surveillance watching your house and tracking who is coming/going. Could take weeks or months before anything happens. But then again, nothing may happen. I learned this the hard way :lol:

I'd accept the fact that you should never bring your plants back to that house.
I know two people who were raided in the 90's. Seems the police watched them for months to compound charges and compile evidence. I'd go cold turkey. Hope it was just a hollow threat. Best wishes.
Hey so just wondering I had a friend staying with me recently try to steal from me and we had to kick him out. Unfortunately he new about my grow and he threatened to call the police on me. It’s been around 30 days since this went down and nothing has happened thus far. I had moved my plants to another location immediately just to be sure. My question is how long would it take to police to raid your house if they got a tip there was a grow there. I want to know when I will be able to bring my babies back. Do raids happen like immediately after tips or like a few months later. Does anybody have any information?

Smart to move your grow.
Watch for new "homeless" people on your street - or other new people or cars. - if your gonna get paranoid, have a check list to keep track. lol
(FWIW, I'm still sorry to the AT&T guy who's van I kept letting my dog pee on back in the day - I now know that you were just a neighbor's boyfriend...

IMHO - the questions that you need to ask:
1. Do you think the thief will also rat?
2. I don't know your laws or area, but -- are you worth the police time and effort? Not bruising your (or my) ego, but in my area, there are many, many industrial cultivators that far surpass my little garden. Now the '80s - that was a different story... ;)

Still, probably best to keep your grow at the new place until harvest.
I doubt the cops are going to follow up on some tip from the bum you kicked out over a few plants.

The cops can't just raid you because someone told them you were growing plants. If that was the case they'd be busy 24/7 kicking in doors based of tips from chumps like the guy you kicked out or from some disgruntled ex-girlfriend. And it wouldn't just be for growing cannabis. What if someone said you were dealing meth or having dogfights in your garage? They have to have probable cause. One person saying you were doing this or that is not probable cause. They would have to conduct an investigation, obtain evidence, get a warrant, etc... Highly unlikely they are going to waste their time even if they did think you were growing a few plants. It's just not worth their time.

In the case with the thief you allowed to live in your home they would ask what his relationship was to you and as soon as they found out that he was a former roommate you kicked out they'd likely tell him to take a hike and forget all about it. If they did kick in your door based off the word of one unhappy thief you kicked out it would be a violation of your constitutional rights and likely easily beaten in court.

4th Ammendment

"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."
I doubt the cops are going to follow up on some tip from the bum you kicked out over a few plants.

The cops can't just raid you because someone told them you were growing plants. If that was the case they'd be busy 24/7 kicking in doors based of tips from chumps like the guy you kicked out or from some disgruntled ex-girlfriend. And it wouldn't just be for growing cannabis. What if someone said you were dealing meth or having dogfights in your garage? They have to have probable cause. One person saying you were doing this or that is not probable cause. They would have to conduct an investigation, obtain evidence, get a warrant, etc... Highly unlikely they are going to waste their time even if they did think you were growing a few plants. It's just not worth their time.

In the case with the thief you allowed to live in your home they would ask what his relationship was to you and as soon as they found out that he was a former roommate you kicked out they'd likely tell him to take a hike and forget all about it. If they did kick in your door based off the word of one unhappy thief you kicked out it would be a violation of your constitutional rights and likely easily beaten in court.

Exactly - depending on where you live, you may be surprised what's going on around you - As a Dad, I still cringe at the sex offender map!
I'm in SoCal, so we're legal; but I was a bit shocked when I gave some to a couple of generationally local neighbors.
They had no idea I was growing (guess the filter failure wasn't that bad after all!); but I had no idea that nearly my whole neighborhood has a plant or two!

4th Ammendment

"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

I mentioned a swell in homeless population, but really mean to watch for new people in your neighborhood.
edit - and vehicles. Still sorry AT&T guy.
If I were in a place with harsh penalties, I'd probably not grow (I didn't even smoke for years).
If I knew it was a slap on the wrist for 1 plant - honestly, I'd do it.
I keep my grows legal here.

in the early '90s, someone I knew was in the San Fernando Valley; a week or two before the door was kicked in, he noticed that there were a bunch of new homeless people around the house - more than the usual 1 or 2. You see where I'm heading.
Sometimes you're NOT just paranoid.*

*or it could just be my over active imagination and poor memory. :rolleyes:
I live in Florida not completely legal but being a tourist location weed laws and relatively relaxed. If caught with less then 20 grams it’s usually just a fine and as far as plants I think under 24 plants can result in a misdemeanor possession charge depending on what other evidence they do have on me. To be honest it might have been an empty threat but I moved everything as I would rather be safe than sorry. Currently my plants are being mistreated at a close friends house but they don’t have growing skills. I would love to bring them back but I want to avoid jail time as much as possible it’s been over a month since we kicked him out and no signs of new neighbors or any extra traffic around. We stay in an apartment so it’s kinda hard to creep as much. Everyone in my building smokes for the most part also. Should I wait a lil bit longer then bring them back?
What if one is trying to impress some super hot chick to lay down with? Then what? She already smells it in the house? And if you show she will touch it. Then what?
Impress super hot chick with something else like $ or dick size. Just tell her u smoke a lot in your house. Or it’s just incense.
cops arent gonna just barge in because some dude said your growing weed illegally.

They might scope you out, they would need a warrant, and without serious probable cause you could sue.

Its not likely. But if they do move on you it can turn serious.
I live in Florida not completely legal but being a tourist location weed laws and relatively relaxed. If caught with less then 20 grams it’s usually just a fine and as far as plants I think under 24 plants can result in a misdemeanor possession charge depending on what other evidence they do have on me. To be honest it might have been an empty threat but I moved everything as I would rather be safe than sorry. Currently my plants are being mistreated at a close friends house but they don’t have growing skills. I would love to bring them back but I want to avoid jail time as much as possible it’s been over a month since we kicked him out and no signs of new neighbors or any extra traffic around. We stay in an apartment so it’s kinda hard to creep as much. Everyone in my building smokes for the most part also. Should I wait a lil bit longer then bring them back?
Once your in the system in fl u never get out. There’s a saying “Go to Florida on vacation leave on probation” don’t fuck around in FL. Especially if your a minor. Those prisons don’t fuck around and the JV camps r even worse