politicians to old? younger should step up?


Well-Known Member
i was reading the news and come to find out it took john kerry 3 weeks to talk to china about N korea, and then we have all these old dudes who are talking about cutting SSI,old peoples money. and make cuts to medical facilities, mostly old people. my question is why are there no young politicians running for offices?
i was reading the news and come to find out it took john kerry 3 weeks to talk to china about N korea, and then we have all these old dudes who are talking about cutting SSI,old peoples money. and make cuts to medical facilities, mostly old people. my question is why are there no young politicians running for offices?

it takes a long time to work your way up in a criminal organization.
And I'd guess most conscious ppl wouldn't want anything to do with the US Gov.
With that said, it's gonna take a world war for everyone to fight together, rather than against each other..
So...If N. Korea would please.......

I'm sure we have nuclear arms lol...We just don't want anyone else to have them!
The pacific have been mad at us since fat man and little boy...
IMO it boils down to the perception of experience. The older people who have
been in the political ring are seen as more knowledgeable whereas the younger
up and comers are looked at as inexperienced.

If people want a new way of thinking, they need to vote for the younger politicians
with the hopes a new way of thinking that reflects the current times will be set into motion.
If you vote for the same old way of thinking that is all you will get.

It is like the tradespeople, new technology normally comes in with younger workers. The old school guys
while they know what they are doing end up being relatively inefficient if they stick with the old way of doing
things in a modern world.

Give the young blood a chance, and they may surprise you.
i was reading the news and come to find out it took john kerry 3 weeks to talk to china about N korea, and then we have all these old dudes who are talking about cutting SSI,old peoples money. and make cuts to medical facilities, mostly old people. my question is why are there no young politicians running for offices?

What do you mean it took him three weeks? Because he is old and can't pedal the airplane fast?
We just need every politician to be young, black, hip and give us free shit just like Obama! Then all our problems will be solved. We'll live like rock stars whose only care is losing their drug dealer's number and their whore doesn't deep throat very well.
We just need every politician to be young, black, hip and give us free shit just like Obama! Then all our problems will be solved. We'll live like rock stars whose only care is losing their drug dealer's number and their whore doesn't deep throat very well.

Obviously we need more ppl like you...on fucking April Fools day...

A small mind never got anyone anywhere....

Progress involves due process.
And we just need more legit leaders to give a shit..
I'm sure you wouldn't know this, but when you're a leader, ppl follow.
And I'm speaker as a leader since first step.

I'm not qualified to change the world thru Washington, but I'm good with one person at a time :leaf:
Obviously we need more ppl like you...on fucking April Fools day...

A small mind never got anyone anywhere....

Progress involves due process.
And we just need more legit leaders to give a shit..
I'm sure you wouldn't know this, but when you're a leader, ppl follow.
And I'm speaker as a leader since first step.

I'm not qualified to change the world thru Washington, but I'm good with one person at a time :leaf:

Obviously, all it takes is one butt hurt stoner at a time to change the world.

A small mind can get more shit done than a great mind, if he actually uses it.

Progress involves doing a process.

And we just need legit leaders to shit on us, as compared to illegitimate leaders who don't give a shit and shit on us by not giving shit.

I'm sure you don't know this, but if you're a leader, you can make stupid people follow you like a lemming over a cliff.

Glad I could help, April fools!
Ask you friends bro.
You attract ppl like yourself.
I'm sure ya'll all sit around still debating whether or not Obama is a US citizen....

I don't even know you and I know you're small minded.

It only took me a post to see that and it only took me a post for you to start following my lead with your puns...
Think outside your box! Life is wonderful on the outside :joint:

Apply yourself and stop complaining.
Ps...Ppl don't follow those who don't lead...Whether it's Hitler or Martin Luther King Jr. we're talking about.
A leader is a leader is a leader. You follow me?
We just need every politician to be young, black, hip and give us free shit just like Obama! Then all our problems will be solved. We'll live like rock stars whose only care is losing their drug dealer's number and their whore doesn't deep throat very well.

i'm still waiting for my free shit.

we all know you already got your free shit, even though londonfog and i had to explain it to you because you were too dumb to figure out your own taxes.
Being a politician involves knowing the law in order to pass more laws. (lawyers)
Younger politicians don't have the knowledge or experience to battle older ones.
We just need every politician to be young, black, hip and give us free shit just like Obama! Then all our problems will be solved. We'll live like rock stars whose only care is losing their drug dealer's number and their whore doesn't deep throat very well.

Good to see you back again Racist Rabbit.
I'm sure you don't know this, but if you're a leader, you can make stupid people follow you like a lemming over a cliff.

Glad you could help and I love that analogy. Lemmings. It's perfect and we trust it, right? Because we trust Walter Disney, don't we?

Did you know that Walt is right up there with the Church to make up lies that are taken as truth by new generations?

I mean, Lemmings will be extinct and we stupid humans will still think they march of cliffs blindly.

No....PETA should be all over it....but it is a good analogy because only Human do this. The Disney crews tried to herd them off the cliff, figuring it was a stampede that pushed the front ones off.

Nope, the lemmings, dashing forward in panic would stop in mass! They would not push from the back. Only Humans do that.

They had a film crew with a myth to prove and no myth. So, lemmings don't throw live animals off a cliff and film their fall and splats..... Humans do that.

Would you trust a govt?....humans don't....unless they are of the World Zombie Youth Fascists.

IAC, Alaska Fish and Game for a source?

Being a politician involves knowing the law in order to pass more laws. (lawyers)
Younger politicians don't have the knowledge or experience to battle older ones.

Guile and cunning overcome youth and speed. Ever hear that one? Law is essential a martial art. It was actually a martial art at the time of Champions and Single Combat.

But, the young ones have to take their wipes from someone or they never become old and cunning.
It's funny how you people who are "apparently old" are thingink about the youth...

It's hilarious actually haha it really is..

Just look around you and see the impact that we've had on today's world.
It's NOT what it used to be and ppl either need to catch up or get left behind..Period.

When the final wave of old small minded bastards dies out, herb will be decriminalized FEDERALLY.
When the final wave of old small minded fucks die out, there won't be anymore bickering batch and fourth and black and white shit...
Tomorrows world is BROWN. Go take a look at all the nearest elementary schools unless you live in B.F.E.

It ain't what is used to be...Sorry.

You need to be skilled these days.
You need to no be afraid of competition these days...

Innovate and create until you cease to exist.
Or go crawl back to your feeble minded corner and throw in your towel.

A weak mind is a terrible sickness.
^^^^ Pretty Deep ;-)

I have several friends that took "civil" jobs back in the early 80's and now the few that did not elevate thier game have long since been replaced by uneducated workers ( matters not where they are from ). They have utterly destoyed that level in the work force and with the way the government forces business to operate, it will remain that way for all time. If you have a desire to work in any of these fields, count on your pay being well below the poverty level due to the labor force overflowing with people that will work for what most will consider scraps or less.

It is far to late now to do anything to reverse the damage to the civil work force. The only way to rise above that is to find a job that those types will never be able to occupy ( for 1 or multiple reasons) Licenses and Degrees will place all those troubles in your wake.
You will not see the competition or the trash salaries if you get out of the level of "unskilled laborer" .

I am fortunate enough to work in a field that has natural barriers to stop the influx of troubles such as these.

Step up or get stepped on, simple as that.


Glad you could help and I love that analogy. Lemmings. It's perfect and we trust it, right? Because we trust Walter Disney, don't we?

Did you know that Walt is right up there with the Church to make up lies that are taken as truth by new generations?

I mean, Lemmings will be extinct and we stupid humans will still think they march of cliffs blindly.

No....PETA should be all over it....but it is a good analogy because only Human do this. The Disney crews tried to herd them off the cliff, figuring it was a stampede that pushed the front ones off.

Nope, the lemmings, dashing forward in panic would stop in mass! They would not push from the back. Only Humans do that.

They had a film crew with a myth to prove and no myth. So, lemmings don't throw live animals off a cliff and film their fall and splats..... Humans do that.

Would you trust a govt?....humans don't....unless they are of the World Zombie Youth Fascists.

IAC, Alaska Fish and Game for a source?


ohh bro, really?

walt disney and his boys THREW lemmings off a cliff, and created the legend. lemmings dont follow a leader, they dont have a herd mentality, thats sheep. disney and his crew just pitched the little furry bastards to their doom so they could film it and jerk off.

lemmings are just diumb rodents who, when food becomes scarce, instinctively move south. they seem to do it as a herd but they are all just moving individually, and all just happen to be going in the same direction.

curiously, Herd Migrations have a much greater success rate and lower mortality than anarcho-rabble migrations like the lemming.

why are herds better than hordes? because the herd's leader is older wiser and more experienced and thus doesnt try to take his charges across flooded rivers or over cliffs.

lemmings move with only themselves in mind, and thus, they tend to make stupid choices and die for their anarcho-liberty.
It's funny how you people who are "apparently old" are thingink about the youth...

It's hilarious actually haha it really is..

Just look around you and see the impact that we've had on today's world.
It's NOT what it used to be and ppl either need to catch up or get left behind..Period.

When the final wave of old small minded bastards dies out, herb will be decriminalized FEDERALLY.
When the final wave of old small minded fucks die out, there won't be anymore bickering batch and fourth and black and white shit...
Tomorrows world is BROWN. Go take a look at all the nearest elementary schools unless you live in B.F.E.

It ain't what is used to be...Sorry.

You need to be skilled these days.
You need to no be afraid of competition these days...

Innovate and create until you cease to exist.
Or go crawl back to your feeble minded corner and throw in your towel.

A weak mind is a terrible sickness.

hmm everybody who disagrees is too old, and too weak minded.

what an amazing observation, it really blew my mind the first time i heard it, in 1978.

did you thank Abbie Hoffman after you ripped him off or will you simply pretend this is some new and brilliant idea all your own?

your wandering scatterbrained gibberish is not the sign of a strong mind, a strong mind would find the courage and dedication needed to actually spell out the word "People" you are just another self-deluded special snowflake from the post-X generation who assumes that just because that old dude doesn't have a smartphone or know how to program his DVR that you're somehow better than he is. you're a fool.

"You need to be skilled these days.
You need to no be afraid of competition these days...
Innovate and create until you cease to exist.
Or go crawl back to your feeble minded corner and throw in your towel."
~your own dumb ass

and what skills pray tell do you have? what do you create? (Psst, your shitty blog doesn't count as skills or creation)

those old people you so glibly deride BUILT the world you reside in, and if what i see in today's youth proves true, then the future is fucked, since none of you little twats seems to know how to swing a fucking hammer or use a fucking shovel.

the future looks like it's gonna be scavenging in the ruins of the cities you can no longer maintain for food you don't know how to grow. but by all means, trust your phone to save you. i'm sure your phone is more useful than you are.

EDIT: also, fuck you, you racist piece of shit. if tomorrows world is "Brown" it will not be by anything your generation has done, except possibly your inability to use a fucking rubber. chicanos have lots of kids arabs have lots of kids, and africans have lots of kids due to LONGSTANDING cultural imperatives, not your soft-serve dogshit psychobabble.
europeans have long had a far lower birthrate than other groups due toy our much lower infant mortality and overall longer lives (thanks western medicine) now that the power of western medicine is helping the entire world, they too will either slow down their birthrates, or breed themselves into poverty. the "brown" future you envision is a minor demographic alteration, not a sea-change in human society, you little shit-for-brains.