Glad you could help and I love that analogy. Lemmings. It's perfect and we trust it, right? Because we trust Walter Disney, don't we?
Did you know that Walt is right up there with the Church to make up lies that are taken as truth by new generations?
I mean, Lemmings will be extinct and we stupid humans will still think they march of cliffs blindly.
No....PETA should be all over it....but it is a good analogy because only Human do this. The Disney crews tried to herd them off the cliff, figuring it was a stampede that pushed the front ones off.
Nope, the lemmings, dashing forward in panic would stop in mass! They would not push from the back. Only Humans do that.
They had a film crew with a myth to prove and no myth. So, lemmings don't throw live animals off a cliff and film their fall and splats..... Humans do that.
Would you trust a govt?....humans don't....unless they are of the World Zombie Youth Fascists.
IAC, Alaska Fish and Game for a source?