pollen collector


place a baggie over the male flower,shake and collect the dust in a bag after that use a little paint brush dip in the pollen and paint it on...simple as that....you can store pollen in the freezer...i think not 100% sure on that


Active Member
Get a small container, film canister or whatever. You can pick off the balls just after they open and lightly roll em with your fingers and they will burst out pollen into container, or hold container under ball and shake it around with pen or something. Just play with the balls a little lol. Oh yeah I always fold a piece of paper longways then short then cut halfway through short side and slide around stem on top of pot to catch any that burst while I'm away.
Then flower a girl for 2 to 3 weeks and take your pollen and a q tip or small paintbrush away from any other girls you don't want to pollinate and dab your brush into container and very lightly brush your pretty lil girls hair.


Well-Known Member
i would put the bag over the male shake it and whatever then put the same bag over the one branch and kinda shake it and move it around to put pollen on bud without hurting the banch or plant, maybe leave bag on there for a hour or so.