pollination after harvest.


My thread must have been lost to the hacker.

So far it is looking great. It seems to be working.
What I did was harvest the cloudy tops early.
Left about 25% on the plants. Two weeks later I have immature seeds. All plants are green and happy. The smoke came out great also. Looks like its going to work.

grandpa 1949

Well-Known Member
Well we all lost stuff to the hacker!!
See all your hard work paid off! Now wasn't it all worth it?
So start it all over again!
Good luck, we are here for help if you need it.


Well-Known Member

I tried that recently, wasn't sure what to expect, but so far I'm very happy with the results. Here's a time wreck that was seeded by a male ripped bubba after harvest. Beans matured while the mother plant was revegging in 24 hour light