Poor Mountain Kush needs some help. Sulfur def?


Hi all!

I'm having some problems with one of my plants.
It's a Mountain Kush. 5 weeks into flower.

The plant is, as far as I can tell, showing signs of Sulfur def.
Leaves are yellowing from the middle-out.
Some of the new leafs are also just one-fingered, or have one normal looking leaf finger, and a couple really tiny ones.
Buds are very wispy and stems very hard.

This plant got transplanted a little late from a 4,7L (1.3 Gallon) pot. This is now about 3 weeks ago.
It did show signs of being pot bound (dying bottom leaves and soft stems), but is not doing so now.

Can anyone confirm that this is an Sulfur def? Or could it be Iron or mag?

Room: 60x110 x230cm (2' x 3,6' x 7 feet)
Light: 600W HPS in Powerplant Coolwing.
Ventilation: 350 m3 with Carbon Filter

Temp Day: 25-26C (77-79F)
Temp Night: 21-23C (70-73,4)
RH: 50-55%

Pots: 18L (5 gallon).
Water PH: 7
Nute PH: 6,3
Run off PH: 6,2
Nutes: AN PH Perfect Grow, Micro, Bloom + Hobbyist level (Voodoo Juice, B52, Big Bud, Overdrive).
Everything fed at 1/2 strength of AN's schedule.
I do a water, water, feed routine.




Well.. it might be light bleaching..
Figured a 600w hps (in cooled reflector) with a 9" distance might be a bit close..

At least I got to flush and repot to 5 gallon pots :)


Active Member
you are SURE you are 5 weeks in flowering? Are you having any other issues? Because I feel like they should be filled out WAY much more on the bud sites. looks like it just started budding. I run only a 400 HPS and my multi strain run, I have some kush varieties(lemon) and mine have chunky ass buds already. As for determining exactly what your issue is, I am sorry I can't tell right away from your info and pics, Hopefully another member can give you more insight on that, BUT I do feel something is happening the plant does not like. Its a monster sized plant tho! Good luck :bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
^^^ Agree. Your plant still isn't happy, even after the transplant. I doubt you have a sulfur deficiency if you are using AN nutes properly. You could throw in 1 tsp/g of epsom salts which contain sulfur. I'm not familiar with AN's schedule by why are you running at 1/2 strength with a feeding only every third water? Is your soil that hot or is that just how roll with AN in soil?


Well-Known Member
I run my 600, 16 in from the tops. I have an air cooled hood and could put them much closer but don't. 16in is the sweet spot for my grows. Good luck!


Wow, didn't see the replies until today. Thanks all!

Medium: Canna Professional (didn't feed for the first 3 out of 4 weeks of veg).
Switched to 12/12 on the 21th of october. First preflowers came about 5 days later.

I have three other plants (white widow, lsd and sour jack) which are blooming very nicely.
No problem with these plants what so ever.

The room is 100% light proof, so that should not be the problem.
Neither should overwatering. Soil always dries out on top before I water.

After transplanting to 5g pots, I water every 3 days.

I've read that AN is pretty strong. But maybe i've just misunderstood.
My interpretation of all the posts in here, made me choose to feed every third watering.
The fact tho, is that I've for some reason (prob cause of being high), fed them every other watering from week 2 of flowering.

I suspect the plant got really stunted, as it was rootbound for a couple of weeks, before I took action (yes, it's silly).
The rootmass looks good now tho. Growing fast!
It seems like the plant can't take as much light as the other strains either..

Hopefully they will eventually get better. Maybe it will help to let them flower for a couple of weeks more then I normally would?

By the way, I just noticed that a couple of small new leaves, are swirling (like the plant is regenerating).

I'll try to raise the light to 16".

Thanks for all replies and advice guys! Much appreciated!


Well-Known Member
Yeah...some slightly weird looking leaves, that's why I was wondering about light leaks...hope she recovers.


I will double check for light leaks, just in case.

Here is some pics of my other plants..

Sour Jack (this is my best growing plant till now).

Sour Jack.

White Widow, top cola.


I always wait till they dart lowering their leaves before watering they won't die it will even make em more potent peace