

Well-Known Member
i see orange California poppy seeds for sale at wally world is this what i want ? i was planning on spreading them out in a hay field any one have experience? thanks


Well-Known Member
California poppy is not the poppy plant your looking for related but dosnt have the same compounds that you want ....well i have heard of some compounds in the cali poppies but not the good good cchemical compounds

Straight Sativa

Well-Known Member
i see orange California poppy seeds for sale at wally world is this what i want ? i was planning on spreading them out in a hay field any one have experience? thanks
The species of poppy you want is called Papaver somniferum. However, it may be a bit difficult to obtain seeing that it's sale and production is controlled by governmental organizations.


The species of poppy you want is called Papaver somniferum. However, it may be a bit difficult to obtain seeing that it's sale and production is controlled by governmental organizations.

correct, and wrong at the same time.....
papaver somniferum is the seeds you should be looking for, but they are NOT illegal, you can find them all over, even on ebay.... growing them is fine as well; you break the law when you cut the pods to get the opium latex ;)

go buy you some seeds bro.... they make lovely flowers if nothing else. I'll post pics of mine around june when they start flowering :)