Portable Ac/cooling epiphany

Peyote alexia

Well-Known Member
Hey guys
I'm sitting here pondering my 4*8 grow setup wondering how I will deal with summer. Have been for days. As I do.
For those who don't have the privacy to run a split system or window shaker on there grow room and may be in the same boat this may help.
I couldn't justify buying a portable ac to cool the air then suck it straight back up through its intake and out the exhaust. As I will already be exhausting from my tent/room and then bugger all of the kool air won't make the loop. Dropping ac efficiency by to much.
So I came across the dual hose portable ac's which are designed to draw outside air for cooling while still exhausting the hot. Bare with me as Australia has stupidly made these items almost impossible to get (epa laws) but they can be found 2nd hand. So ignore my ignorance if this is actually common practice. Its something I've never read about but seems to make sense.
OK so what I'll do is this. Connect the ac units cooling port near the start of the tents extraction ducting with a T peice. So ultimately its using the same cooled air for efficiency but grabbing it after its been used. Then I'll connect its hot air exhaust to the end of that same exhaust near the outlet/wall, again with a T(as long as its after the cooling port) so it sends its hot air outside. With a manual valve at both ac duct to close when not in use.

Kills so many birds
And in my head hides the ac completely while keeping what would be very similar to window unit efficiency. One would argue the dual ports lose efficiency in comparison to a window unit due to uninsulated ports losing heat to the outside of ducting and inside the room we are trying to cool, compared to a window unit being able to directly exhaust outside. But then again a window unit is cooling with hot outside air. The dual hose connect in series to the exhaust would intake cooler air somewhat negating the heat transfer from ducting on the dual hose unit.

Ultimately integrating the ac into my own intake/exhaust system for the tent for efficiency
Anyway love to hear your thoughts


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