Possible Basil issue


Anyone know anything about growing basil?

the plants are going fine generally but I've noticed that toward the top of the plant the stems are turning purple, they are also woody (but i think thats fine). The leaves are ok no real signs or indicators worth mentioning. the plans is at a stage where it is trying to flower but i'm picking them off every morning. I have also toped the plant a few times so there are multiple heads all showing purple stems. I have been giving the regular vegging nites, but have been easing in slowly as i'm just figuring out how much they like. any advice would be great!



Well-Known Member
With basil, just be careful with watering. My all get angry when too wet, and youd be surprised at how many people just let their basil go to seed and then wonder why they suck at growing basil..so you are doing that right :)
Purple leaves can be a sign of phosphorus deficiency. A small amount of lime can help your plants get the phosphorous they need.. If a deficiency exists, repot plants w/ phosphorus banded below the roots w/ thin layer of soil in between .


Well-Known Member
ive noticed that the earlier i plant them the better. even if i have to start inside or buy established plants from a nursery. my problem is that when they start to go to flower even picking off the flowers does not stop it from STILL wanting to go to flower. and the flowers are useless. maybe i'll try starting more basil later and later and then they'll flower later and later...idk but i hate the dam flowers on basil.


Well-Known Member
this is a guess based on observation. My basil, once it started blooming, you might as well cut and dry it, or make pesto....


Well-Known Member
Keep the nutes light. My Basil isn't very happy in my hydro grow as the EC is too high (1.6). Unfortunately, I can't drop it because of the other plants.


Active Member
I threw some basil seeds down today. Then it rained, and being an herb i figured it would not want a lot of fall. I know they don't like it outside too much, esp. with low ph of yard soil. Maybe the shirt i put over the pacth will help them sprout.